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  1. Jah

    Au Naturale?

    I like hairiness, especially on men, although I don't mind it on women either. My husband has hair covering the entire front of his torso and some back hair as well and I like it. I also prefer a man to have facial hair although it isn't a necessity.
  2. Jah

    What is your weight right now?

    Thanks! :)
  3. Jah

    Fat Santa 2013

    That's one big turkey! :D
  4. Jah

    What is your weight right now?

    I weigh 124kg/272lbs and I've lost 12kg/26lbs because my weight is causing problems with my back and my knees. I'm starting to walk around a lot better. :)
  5. Jah

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    Such a cute couple! :)
  6. Jah

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Raspberries :)
  7. Jah

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    I had a subway 6 inch with roast chicken, lettuce, cucumber, capsicum, carrot, pineapple and poached egg. :eat2:
  8. Jah

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    Thanks! :)
  9. Jah

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    lol!! :D Love your hair! :) Summer will soon be starting here! Great pic! :)
  10. Jah

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    Lovely pic! That is a lot of pumpkins! Lovely happy looking smile! :)
  11. Jah

    My WLS Journey Parts 1&2

    Sounds like your recovery is going well and I hope it continues to do so :)
  12. Jah

    Can We Talk About Bipolar Disorder?

    Be careful if going off meds. I've done it before with doctor's and psychiatrists help and I regret doing it because now I'm back at the same top dosage and it is much less effective.
  13. Jah

    Starting Life At Thirty

    Being 30 feels like a new start to me. I feel that I pretty much wasted my life in my 20s. I want this to be the decade where I start publishing a few novels and selling some of my art as well as working. I worked through my teens and then stopping working through most of my 20s due to mental...
  14. Jah

    Single and/or childless in your 30s

    I'm 30 and I'm married and I have no children and it seems likely I'm not going to be having kids due to health issues. I've often thought I'd love to have kids but these days I wonder if all the hassle would be worth it now that I have siblings with kids and I've seen how difficult being a...
  15. Jah

    Here's A List of Things I Like:

    My cats Jeff and Kira and cats in general Taking photos of my cats My husband Drawing Writing novels Playing piano Listening to music Reading fantasy books Gaming Chickens (I had a pet chicken once and hope to again one day) Pigs Dolphins Herbal tea with honey My collection of Angry...
  16. Jah

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    Thanks! I had a good anniversary! :) Thanks for the rep! :)
  17. Jah

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Thanks! Glad you love the shirt :) Thanks! :)
  18. Jah

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    A pic of me. I don't take photos often these days.
  19. Jah

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    A pic of me and my husband on our 10th anniversary :)
  20. Jah

    How Not To Be A D**K To Your Fat Friends

    Good article! :)