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  1. C

    The thread for random single confessions!

    Thanks, got it done in plenty of time in the end! I confess...I've done it again though. Got another 2000 words due in for weds! Oops :rolleyes:
  2. C

    Question to the ladies...

    Yup, this. What catches my eye first is a guy's size!
  3. C

    The thread for random single confessions!

    I am an idiot and possibly the worst student ever. I always always ALWAYS leave my essays til the last minute. Like now - got one in for tomorrow that I've basically just started. Done 300 of 2000 words :D I know it'll all get done, even if I have to finish it tomorrow morning. I'm off to play...
  4. C

    Are you an FA and a BBW/BHM?

    Same here :D
  5. C

    Post 5 random facts about yourself!

    Wow, I've never even heard of them! Then again, we don't get many cacti here :p That is just AWESOME. I wish I could rep you, but can't right now! What was he like??
  6. C

    The thread for random single confessions!

    Yeah, I had that in my first year. Except I think it was *only* 4 or 5 flights...cost about £3 (maybe 4, I forget) just to do one load and dry it! Stoopid dryers. Oh and we had about 10 machines for about 500 students that lived in these particular halls. Anyway, IC that I want to start a...
  7. C

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Feeling a bit sick because of too much sugary goodness. It was worth it though :D
  8. C

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    Cake making! Made a chocolate one, covered with chocolate icing. House smelled great, I got to lick the melted chocolate and icing bowls, and the actual cake tasted pretty good too!
  9. C

    Post 5 random facts about yourself!

    1. I love the word 'tummy'! I've been using it lately, trying to bring it back. My flatmates say I sound about 5 when I use it :rolleyes: Nuts to them! 2. I've decided to post a pic of my tummy (:D) here...I just need to find the time to take one! 3. I'm still not sure what my dissertation...
  10. C

    Random BHM Hotness

    A lumberjack party would be the best thing EVER! :wubu:
  11. C

    oy, it's letters to people and things!

    Dear You, why are you seeing her tomorrow? She's your ex, who cheated on you REPEATEDLY. I don't want to see you get hurt, but I think you will...to her it'll probably be just sex, and I don't know if you can detach yourself. Here to pick up the pieces, always, Me xxx p.s. I will be civil...
  12. C

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    I got a pretty, cheap dress today! Sometimes I love sales - it was meant to be £28, but I nabbed it for £7 (well, slightly less because of the change in VAT :D).
  13. C

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    One of my best friends won't loan me his keys when I go out later...I lost mine (for the first time ever, about 2 weeks ago) and he says he doesn't trust me :(
  14. C

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    I am happy that I got to go out with some new-ish friends, to see a local gig and had loooooads of fun, then came back and ate oven chips with mayonnaise (yum!), and tomorrow I am off to a games night (poker and Buzz :D) with my flatmates and the same nearly new friends!
  15. C

    The One Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part 2!

    I am going out later, and it is raining, so I will have to take an umbrella or my hair will frizz and curl up. Bleh.
  16. C

    The thread for random single confessions!

    Me and my sister pretend to be dinosaurs sometimes. I'm 20, she's nearly 18 :p EDIT: T-rex is my dino of choice by the way.
  17. C

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    I'm off to see Reel Big Fish tomorrow, again! :D I love them so much.
  18. C

    The One Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part 2!

    Tonsillitis :( second time in a month, and I'm fed up with it!
  19. C

    The One Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part 2!

    I feel like crap, and all I want is a hug and my Galaxy BUT 1. The guy who is the hugger of the house (well, my hugger anyway) is one of the reasons why I am feeling shit, and 2. the Galaxy in question is downstairs, and I cannot be arsed to go and get it.
  20. C

    Bunch of questions for the ladies!

    1. Have your friends and family ever commented on your clothes? Sometimes. It's usually positive though, along the lines of "ooh you look slim, have you lost weight??" Me: "um, no.." 2. How do you generally respond when they imply or actually tell you that you should cover up or dress to hide a...