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  1. C

    Sugar Boots

    Oh my god, those are GORGEOUS!! And Amazon.co.uk has a SALE!!! There goes aaaaaall my money. Edit: Or not. Lots of the sale ones don't go up to an 8...I might have to buy some anyway though :D
  2. C

    StarScream and the Hospital

    Really good points. I've had it before where I talked to a guy loads for a couple of months, we really got along well etc...but when we actually met, there was something missing. Neither of us expected it, but it couldn't be helped. I'm glad I found out sooner than later, as I'm sure it saved me...
  3. C

    The One Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part 2!

    I am in on a Saturday night, cleaning...yay. Oh and now my hands stink of bleach :(
  4. C

    The One Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part 2!

    God, she sounds awful! I don't watch Shameless, and wouldn't touch Big Brother with a 10 foot barge pole, so I had no idea who the blonde lady was on the adverts. She's such a bitch! Nice to know I'm ugly AND unhappy though :rolleyes:
  5. C

    Huuuge Gain!!

  6. C

    Who's Horny ?

    krismiss, I can't rep you, but I really really want to :D
  7. C

    The One Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part 2!

    That's rubbish! You'd think people would grow out of that by about age 16...:rolleyes: My annoyance is dry mouth. Yep. Apparently I am too lazy to walk across the corridor to get water!
  8. C

    Favorite places to eat

    Our house is a takeaway house, rather than a restaurant house, which sucks a bit. There are loads of good, cheap Italian places round here, and Yo Sushi is aaaaalways good :D oh, and there are some AWESOME chippies on the coast near here.
  9. C

    the ONE thing annoying you the most right now??

    I have questions: a) Can anyone join? and b) Do we get jackets?
  10. C

    Who do you want to DO on the forums ?

    I know I'm late replying to this gem of a thread, but oh boy, I'd do me! Now boys (and girls) form an orderly queue and you too can have a magical night with this nameless, faceless (as far as everyone here is concerned anyway :p) girl! :D
  11. C

    the ONE thing annoying you the most right now??

    Having tonsillitis when I have to do an exam tomorrow :( But, on the plus side, my tutor and module leader have been really nice and helpful.
  12. C

    Age - How much does it matter to you?

    I have a brother who's only a year and a half younger than me (he's 19), and I wouldn't feel comfortable going out with someone his age or younger :p I like guys around the same age as me though, as I find you have more to talk about, from growing up watching and listening to the same kind of stuff.
  13. C

    Any Alpha BHM into BBW?

    There's plenty of us BBW's that like BHM, from what I've seen around here :)
  14. C

    Who do you want to DO on the forums ?

    I think himbo is my new favourite word :D
  15. C

    British BHMs and FFAs??

    Another FFA here :happy: I should lurk less...
  16. C

    Post 5 random facts about yourself!

    I love this thread idea! 1. I actually love being English, and living in England. I even love the weather, for the most part! I also love how talking about the weather forms the basis of so many conversations here, especially with customers :happy: 2. My heritage might just be the most...
  17. C

    Fat Hating Walmart Cashier

    Sorry to hear that happened to you, L+L, but at least your complaint was taken seriously, as it should be. I don't think it's ever acceptable to comment on what someone's buying, really. I have friends that are a lot thinner than me (best friend is about a UK 8, I'm a 20/22), so when we go...
  18. C

    oy, it's letters to people and things!

    Dear body, please please please don't get sick this week! I need to be able to concentrate just until Friday afternoon, then the exam will be over and I will be free. I promise to dose you up with hot blackcurrant, vitamins and cold medicine until then. Also, this killer headache that...
  19. C

    New guy!

    Oooh welcome, cute new guy :D you;re from my neck of the woods too! Well, almost.
  20. C

    oy, it's letters to people and things!

    Dear family, Only 2 days until I see you now! Yaaaay! Can't wait :D Also, thanks for waiting until I get home to put up the tree and decorations. I really do appreciate it - if you'd done it before I'd feel like Christmas was being started without me. Love, me. ___________________ Dear...