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  1. A

    Does anyone else HATE this fetish?

    It's quite interesting how things change in this respect. Seventeen odd years ago, I was looking at asexual fora online because I knew a couple of people who were asexual (or probably aromantic to use the modern term) and just wanted to understand more about their experiences and viewpoints. One...
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    Does anyone else HATE this fetish?

    I think this is still part of the topic as the OP was about fetishes, and this comes back to sexuality and fetishes generally. I'm going to try to explain why the terminology confuses me. This is because I'm an old fart, and should not in any way be seen as a judgement on how you or anyone else...
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    Size acceptance... really?

    As a woman who is physically attracted only to fat men, and as an ageing person who no longer is really in tune to modern attitudes to relationships, I have never fitted in anywhere. I call this thing a fetish and I see it as a nuisance and a curse I was born with that has prevented me from...
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    Does anyone else HATE this fetish?

    Oh, hell, this. Like when a man tells you he enjoys cooking, and the obvious flirt response is 'you look like you are bloody good at it as well.' Asexuality and a lot of the labels people are using now are getting confusing. When I was young, an asexual person was a person who was not gay...
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    Does anyone else HATE this fetish?

    The way I understood it, 'paraphilia' is just the medical term for a fetish? :-/ I have no idea about the step-mother. I'm not sure that would be classed as a fetish or how it would work. But paedophiles and necrophiles, bestialists etc. probably could be described as fetishists, but the...
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    Does anyone else HATE this fetish?

    It absolutely will get better once you start living independently. And the likelihood is that strained and difficult relationships with family will improve later in life given a bit of space. When I was your age, my father would often lose his temper over money or small things like people's...
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    Just Fatties Who Make Me Happy

    Some guy obstructing a view of Ronnie Barker all soapy in the shower. Can't find a better still of it, unfortunately.
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    Does anyone else HATE this fetish?

    I think the poster is a young woman, who uses a picture of an attractive man as a forum avatar. :-) @Angelette I don't know what age you are (other than other posters saying you are young) and what else you're going through at the moment, but hope you find the following useful as advice from a...
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    Does anyone else HATE this fetish?

    Please, please contact a mental health helpline if you are feeling suicidal. I can't post information here as I don't know what country you are in, but please google it and get the support you need. Having the relationship you want is not the only thing in life worth having and it does overall...
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    RIP Robbie Coltrane

    RIP Back when all my contemporaries were raving about Robbie Williams, Robbie Coltrane was the only Robbie I wanted to see! I wish he'd been in more films back in his 30s and 40s. He was a good actor as well and deserved more main roles. He even seemed to create some grudging acceptance in the...
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    Does anyone else HATE this fetish?

    Yes, I can totally relate to this. I describe my sexuality as a fetish as well. Medically, I believe it's termed a paraphilia. The analogy with hair, I absolutely like a man with nice hair, same as I like him to be dressed nicely. It's a turn-on and it's part of the initial impression someone...
  12. A

    You know you are an FFa when.......?

    When you think you might actually enjoy going clothes shopping if the shops used this guy to advertise their wares. https://thebigsartorialist.tumblr.com/
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    Gay BHMs

    I know I have no right to complain when people in some parts of the world are still persecuted and murdered simply for being gay, but I honestly envy how straightforward gay men often seem to be about fat fetishism and preferences. :-) It possibly is the culture of codes and openness to search...
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    Gay BHMs

    It has always been my impression, probably based on the amount of porn and erotic art that exists, that fat men and people who appreciate them are much more usual among the gay than the straight. Welcome large gay men. :-)
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    You know you are an FFa when.......?

    When a friend who is absolutely not your type introduces you to his brother.
  16. A

    You know you are an FFa when.......?

    When you can have a lick.
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    Fatphobic parents

    I'm interested in reading about the experiences of others who grew up in an environment where body-shaming and particularly fatphobia were a problem. My mother was aware of my fat fetish long before I ever came out, and she detested it. I remember there used to be a TV show hosted by a very...
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    Just Fatties Who Make Me Happy

    There's an Australian Breaking Bad ripoff come out recently called The Tourist. It's not particularly good but it has a few big men in it. First of all, this guy, played by Greg Larsen who seems to be an Australian comedian and is cute (unfortunately his character is a boring, emotionally...
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    When did you realize what you liked, and what triggered it?

    Portly. I quite like 'burly' as well, although it's a big vague as to whether it means big and fat or just big and muscular. Oh, and 'corpulence'. Other kids were looking up 'penis'. If I found a different dictionary, I had to look up 'fat' in it to see how it defined it and if there were any...
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    Plus size performers

    Probably offtopic, but I've always loved how this character was drawn and animated. The movie itself is disappointing mainly because Disney at the time couldn't do an ambitious and dominant female character without making her an abusive psychopath (and not just Disney, same goes for the more...