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  1. dharmabean

    DIY Projects

    I so need this: Wonder Woman Sweater I love this DIY sweater.
  2. dharmabean

    post a pic of......

    My Picture: Show me a beautiful butterfly.
  3. dharmabean

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Awwww Soookie Sookie now!!!
  4. dharmabean

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Feeling like death is creeping up on me. Congestion, achy joints, sore throat, headache. Not too thrilled about this. Not thrilled at all.
  5. dharmabean

    I Am Struggling With Depression

    Jack is right.You went two weeks, that's a great accomplishment. When you're in a trigger/cycle and feel like cutting, try to remember to support yourself too. Do you practice mindfulness? Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds. Breathe out for 4, hold for 4. The slow breathing will...
  6. dharmabean

    What are you happy about today?

  7. dharmabean

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Such a good day today with a couple of friends haven't seen in years. They stopped by on their road trip back from Alaska. We went to a very secluded, hidden and forgotten about Cemetery between Moscow and Troy, ID. I needed the earth, sky, clouds, wind, and even the bugs to regroup and give...
  8. dharmabean

    What are you happy about today?

    Such a good day today witha couple of friends haven't seen in years. They stopped by on their road trip back from Alaska. We went to a very secluded, hidden and forgotten about Cemetery between Moscow and Troy, ID. I needed the earth, sky, clouds, wind, and even the bugs to regroup and give...
  9. dharmabean

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    The flux of pill seekers and drug addicts flipping out and causing a scene at work this week has been truly phenomenal. I would say a full moon, or some other "mythical" notion as to why, but sadly no. Totally irritated at the demand and increase of pill seekers. Figure out your shit, fix it and...
  10. dharmabean

    What's pissing you off today?

    The flux of pill seekers and drug addicts flipping out and causing a scene at work this week has been truly phenomenal. I would say a full moon, or some other "mythical" notion as to why, but sadly no. Totally irritated at the demand and increase of pill seekers. Figure out your shit, fix it and...
  11. dharmabean

    Unattractive Photos...

    Hhahha! I love this. LOVE this!! I giggled way too much over it. :D:p
  12. dharmabean

    Show Your Skill/Talent/Hobby Off! - BBW Only Please

    I love my logo you made for me. :)
  13. dharmabean

    Let's see an OLD pic of you!

    Sitting on the steps of my school when we lived in the commune. I'm in the lavender plaid with bangs front row. Circa about 1981 Marine Corps Awards Ceremony 1992 I'm in the front right with dark hair. Junior Prom 1993
  14. dharmabean

    post a pic of......

    Post a picture of your favorite horror villain.
  15. dharmabean

    post a pic of......

    Post a picture of a speakeasy.
  16. dharmabean

    post a pic of......

    Picture from inside of the body.
  17. dharmabean

    Ask Dro!

    A lot of doctor's offices will not advertise a "call list", but ask your physician about it. Also, it does NOT HURT to call back daily and see if there's been any cancellations. Seriously. We have patients that call back a few times a day just to see if they can get in. If it's important to you...