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  1. dharmabean

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Jealous and ... um.. marry me :kiss2:
  2. dharmabean

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Without glasses.
  3. dharmabean

    Happy Birthday Dromond

    I have come to really respect, enjoy and look forward to our conversation. This is a huge, spectacular, ♥◦♪◦☺ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU☺◦♫◦♥
  4. dharmabean

    What did you buy today?

  5. dharmabean

    OK Cupid

  6. dharmabean

    post a pic of......

    Michael Raymond James ... Just one of my favs. Post your hero/icon from childhood.
  7. dharmabean

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    If I have something negative to say to someone, I'll effin say it without hiding behind an anonymous post. I'm irritated at the assumption that I posted something anonymously, and thus being reprimanded by having my 'anonymous' posts stripped from me. So, if you have something nice to say to me...
  8. dharmabean

    Happy Birthday Seen Yore Hozay!

    Happy Birthday Seen Yore Hozay J Garseeya !!!!!
  9. dharmabean

    post a pic of......

    There's a WHOLE website dedicated to "Tom Selleck Waterfall Sandwiches". What was your favorite era of batman? (costume, design, nipples, no nipples, etc)
  10. dharmabean

    ::MSPaint Challenge::

    Paint something from the last dream you remember.
  11. dharmabean

    post a pic of......

    : hork : find a room! ;) Post a picture of something you're allergic to (if you are, if not post a picture of something you really dislike)
  12. dharmabean

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Took my son to see one of the stupidest movies ever, but he enjoyed it. Been doing a weekend of birthday treats for him.
  13. dharmabean

    *Gettin' To Know Ya! Questionairre*

    1. What’s your least favorite mode of transportation? My own vehicle. 2. What is your favorite body part? On a woman, her mouth. On a man, his hands. 3. What is one of your favorite quotes? For if you suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners to be corrupted from their...
  14. dharmabean

    Secret Message Service!

    Interesting that you would write this, considering how much of a bitch you can be to other women on the board who express their life situations, background, areas of weakness, and/or clothing choices, etc. Ironic that you write about "judge me is really just judging yourself..." I'm glad we...
  15. dharmabean

    post a pic of......

    Post a picture of a childhood toy you remember the most.
  16. dharmabean

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    My son. He turns 18 in two days. I am so effing excited to see that he's come this far. He's graduated. He's stellar. STELLAR. I love him to the moon and back. Operation 18th Birthday:
  17. dharmabean

    Secret Message Service!

    Thank you. :) I missed it while i was gone too. ♥♥ I don't know who you are, but I love this. Thank you. I needed to read this tonight. ♥♥
  18. dharmabean

    post a pic of......

    Post a picture of your favorite Shakespeare play, sonnet, piece of work..
  19. dharmabean

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    First day down. I am totally exhausted. But, here are snippets of what I heard today: I heard "Omg you're awesome." "She's really a rock star. She's handling this like a pro." "She just "gets" it." "It's her first day and I can't BELIEVE she's answering calls already." Can I just say... *sigh*...
  20. dharmabean

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Orientation for new position done. Prospects are definitely looking brighter. If I stick to a strict budget, I should have my shit taken care of by Christmas. Son graduated this weekend. Now he's hitting the pavement hard looking for work. It's just picking up.