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  1. S

    mod/ban questions

    People can lose their ability to post here or in certain forums if the Webmaster feels they are abusing their posting privileges. As has been stated, Conrad can handle things however he sees fit. And it doesn't always require him sending you a warning or Pm first. For the most part...
  2. S

    mod/ban questions

    Kayrae - If that were important information for everyone to have it would be clearly stated somewhere - or we would be sure to see that you had that information. It's info for moderator benefit. Not poster benefit. So it is really of no value to you.
  3. S

    mod/ban questions

    That happens to all of us as we get older (for the most part). :)
  4. S

    mod/ban questions

    It's possible that Conrad gave you a time out - without issuing an infraction. He can do that, because, well, he's the Chief. However if an infraction is actually issued to you, there is an automated system that generates a PM notice to you of that infraction, so even if Conrad issues an...
  5. S

    mod/ban questions

    There are automatic points for most things - or we can assign points based on the severity of the infraction (moderators discretion). If you have a ton of infractions and just keep repeating the same rules violation I am likely going to issue more points against you rather than just a...
  6. S

    mod/ban questions

    lol Indeed, Sandie you have used these all, and maybe even a few others you didn't mention. ;)
  7. S

    mod/ban questions

    Mossy, the timeout that you refer to, was prior to the newer system being implemented. Now things are happening as explained, and based on 5 points being the automatic time out threshold.
  8. S

    mod/ban questions

    That may be what they are telling you Kayrae - but it ain't so. I guarantee it. Unless someone is a newbie troll or spammer (who can get bounced right outta here for a single post), active members get a lot of chances before they are ever banned here. That is a fact.
  9. S

    mod/ban questions

    Again, it is not the number of infractions - but the number of points. The points you got for previous infractions have expired, so right now you have a clean slate. It could take 5 infractions of one point each to get you a time out - or one giant fuck-up infraction that gets you 5 points...
  10. S

    mod/ban questions

    No, it is not possible to have an infraction and not know it. If you receive and infraction, you will get a PM infraction notice with specific information on what you did wrong, how it is being handled, and the number of points you are receiving for said infraction. Infractions will...
  11. S

    mod/ban questions

    Actually no, Lilly is incorrect. As James mentioned, the infractions are handled on a points system. It not the number of infractions that get you a time out (per se) it is the number of points you receive that get you a time out. Kind of like your driver's license. You receive points...
  12. S

    mod/ban questions

    Actually, you will receive a PM infraction notice - as well as it showing in your profile. The comment in the profile can only be seen by you and the mods.
  13. S

    Negative rep

    Jen, next time use a smiley face after your comment. Then they'll understand you're being funny. :D <<like this ;)
  14. S

    mod/ban questions

    When people are banned or in a time out - it automatically says "on time out" in their user title. That is already happening.
  15. S

    mod/ban questions

    Thanks Nancy, that was exactly the point I was trying to make.
  16. S

    mod/ban questions

    Cors, Regarding Banning: I can guarantee you that if people are banned, they know exactly why they are banned. Banning doesn't happen "for no reason" here. Banning only happens after numerous infractions, bad behavior, disruptive posting, etc. You see this is the confidentiality...
  17. S

    mod/ban questions

    I can understand your concern about someone suddenly not being here. However if they are banned or timed out, we will not give out information about why that happened because of confidentiality. You can email the person and ask them directly - but we (Dims mods) will not be divulging that info.
  18. S

    mod/ban questions

    Dan, on the main forums page - if you scroll way down to almost the bottom of the page - there is a link that says "View Forum Leaders". Click there, it gives you the list of all moderators and what forums they are assigned to moderate. It is not a secret who the mods here are. :) RE...
  19. S

    Fascinating article re: Dolphins & Type2 Diabetes

    Link to article: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/health-science/dolphins-offer-clue-for-diabetes-cure/story-e6frg8y6-1225832497878 DOLPHINS are the only animals apart from humans to develop a natural form of type 2 diabetes, according to new research. The discovery offers important...
  20. S

    Valentines Day

    Sweet picture! She is very pretty and you make a fabulous couple. :)