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  1. S

    Best Frozen Diet Meals

    You might want to read this: http://www.dimensionsmagazine.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36368
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    Aliens will eat the fatties first

    Actually, this was done about 10 years ago by 24hr Fitness in the US. We (a bunch of fat activists, NAAFA, etc.) staged some big protests with picket signs and got lots of press. In fact we stirred up such a stink that they took down the billboards. OK, UKers - now you know what you...
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    Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary Moore2Me

    That's quite an accomplishment, Deb. My best to you and your hubby. Congrats!!
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    puttin on your bra

    I'm a front closure girl. ;)
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    Fantasy ruining reality

    FLW, I don't believe there is a "perfect" relationship. But I do believe there is a "perfect for me" relationship. Both my husband and I are far from perfect people - but we are perfect for each other. The foundation for our relationship is mutual respect and a deep friendship. It really...
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    Fat Collectables:

    Musicman, your pics aren't showing up. :( I bet they are cute.
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    The Realistic New Years Thread

    Well, Guy and I are in a new house (just moved November 1st) and it has really put us both in a good mood. It's a bright and pretty house that is very calming ... and we have a pool! So we're just focusing on being happy and taking good care of each other this year. That's our goal. :D
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    Well, since you don't like Bailey's I suggest the Champagne. Float a Strawberry in it (remember Pretty Woman). You just can't go wrong on New Year's Eve with Champagne.
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    I'm having some Bailey's Irish creme on the rocks! It's my fav and wonderful for ringing in the New Year. That would be my suggestion.
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    My WLS Journey Parts 1&2

    So sorry that this has been so difficult for you Monique. I hope you are feeling better soon.
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    FYI for anyone still using Everyday Minerals

    I highly recommend Aromaleigh. http://www.aromaleigh.com/ Good products - good customer service - huge variety of colors and I've never had any skin problems with them at all. YMMV
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    R.I.P Rhonda :(

    Please keep this thread on topic. Condolences and respects please. Off topic comments will be removed. /Mod
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    Esquire'S Things That Make You Feel Good

    Wow, sounds like Mr. Martin became an "instant" FA. What a lovely description of a "fat" hug!! Thanks for sharing this, Ben. :D
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    Another sad loss: Marilyn Rock

    Marilyn was a lovely and very sweet woman. I remember meeting her at some early NAAFA events, and spoke with her on the phone and on line (in the early online days). She was extremely kind and generous, and always good for a conversation. Randir, thanks for posting the pics! It's been many...
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    Fatlane Online at Fatlaneonline

    Fatlane - WOW! You do such fabulous work! And the colors are just awesome. Conrad is so correct - you're infinitely better than Andy Warhol!! Thanks for such a wonderful "Fatlane original"!! :wubu:
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    R.I.P Rhonda :(

    OMG - I'm just shocked. God bless her. I'm just so sorry that this has happened. When you have more info, please let us know. Dear Rhonda, be at peace. We will miss you. :(
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    Fat Collectables:

    Just following up, we found Guy's fat girls sculpture by Bob Thomas, and it is the same one that is already pictured here. But we did notice that on the bottom of the sculpture, Bob signed it, and it is numbered "#001". We had no idea it is the first one made.
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    Fatlane Online at Fatlaneonline

    Fatlane as always, you are doing a fabulous job!! You are such wonderful artist!! I know I have one of me that you did several years ago, but would you be willing to do a more updated pic of me? :D
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    Fat Collectables:

    I gave my hubby, Guy, one as a gift back when Bob was selling these. I'll have to see if I can find it and photograph it it too for this thread. They were very well done sculptures! Now which box did we put that in when we moved?
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    1st time to Maui (Kihei). What should I pack?

    Hawaii is super casual - unless you are going out to dinner at a place that requires dressing up. Be sure you have lots of swimwear and cover ups (cover ups = muu muus, sarongs, mesh tops, etc.). That is mostly what I spent my time wearing. :) A few summer sun dresses - and some comfy...