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  1. Nose_body_knows

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    I have been Playing Burnout Paradise on the PS3 heaps. Even decided to start a new game to do everything again.:doh:
  2. Nose_body_knows

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Hushabye - Korn
  3. Nose_body_knows

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    This was taken about 20 minutes ago for my profile.
  4. Nose_body_knows

    Breaking Chairs??

    I broke a chair when I was in highschool. I have always been overweight. It was my own fault really, it was a plastic chair and I was leaning back balancing on only the one leg because I was bored, so it snapped. Can't say I have broken any in public since then, It made me alot more carefull...
  5. Nose_body_knows

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    I have been playing this awsome hardcore game, its full on. SO GREAT!! Its called Solitair. But for people who can't take a joke and on a more gamer side I have been playing Castlevania Lords of Shadow heaps.
  6. Nose_body_knows

    Name a Song From the Last Letter - Part 5!

    Not ready to die - Demon Hunter E
  7. Nose_body_knows

    Fat joke come backs

    sometimes a nice solid punch in the chops shuts them up...
  8. Nose_body_knows

    What did you dream last nite?

    I dreamt that my wife and my mother had the kitchen cubbord open and my mother was admiring out tea towel collection....WTF??!!?
  9. Nose_body_knows

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    300 (the latest one) wasnt bad, bit fictional thought, I studied acient Greece and I don't remember some of that. All in all though it was a good movie 7/10.
  10. Nose_body_knows

    What are you currently listening to??

    Snap your fingers, snap your neck - Demon Hunter
  11. Nose_body_knows

    Fatties in Australia

    sounds good, but I am afrain I need about 8 or 9xl at the least, my paunch is quite paunchy. Although sometimes it depends on the top too.
  12. Nose_body_knows

    Inspiration for your NICKNAME and AVATAR

    Its kinda funny, it was origonally a e-mail address i created to mock my wife's previous boyfriend at the times nose. He was a real ass too her and I decided to try and be one back. I got second thought and decided not too, but the name stuck as it was so unique. Nose body knows what the...
  13. Nose_body_knows

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    We were at a park for my wife's birthday, we sat down to rest and took some photos. Here is me.
  14. Nose_body_knows

    Valentine's Day: How did you celebrate?

    My Wife and I just enjoyed each others company. We originally got together on valentines day eight years ago, so its more than just valentines day, its a date to remember.
  15. Nose_body_knows


    ohhh, oops, just ignore my post then lol
  16. Nose_body_knows

    Fat joke come backs

    someone says "your fat" you say "they say GOD made man in his own image, it would be a sad day for Christians around the globe if GOD looked anything like you!!"
  17. Nose_body_knows


    Cannibal: the musical
  18. Nose_body_knows

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Your a Hottie!!!
  19. Nose_body_knows

    What book are you reading right now?

    good book!
  20. Nose_body_knows

    Fatties in Australia

    I live in Tasmania, and I am 157kgs Its rare for me to see a guy the same size if not bigger than me, but they are there. I have lots of trouble shopping for clothes without spending over 50 bucks a shirt!!.