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  1. y2kboris1

    Is it hypocritical redux; to be attracted to fat while remaining thin?

    Thanks DragonFly I appreciate it. Hey Tad, long time no see. The last 6 years has been a whirlwind to say the least. Got out of the service, attended school, met my wife, got married, got our own place, finally found a decent job. It's invigorating, but chaotic to say the least. I just...
  2. y2kboris1

    Is it hypocritical redux; to be attracted to fat while remaining thin?

    I feel the need to preface this discussion with a disclaimer: a few years back while having a discussion on fantasyfeeder I proposed the question "Is it hypocritical to want to have a fat partner while wanting to be physically fit/ in shape / and or thin?" or something to that effect. The thing...
  3. y2kboris1

    Girl's jealous of BBW's

    I'm not saying I've never observed people being competitive as part of normal human nature, part of everyday life in suburban America, but it just mesmerizes me how vitriolic some people can be in their judgements against others (especially when they absolutely DO NOT know the other person...
  4. y2kboris1

    Essay on FA's

    I suppose Blockierer an FA would be anyone with a prediliction to find larger women attractive primarily. In that sense it's inclusive. They can be bisizual, but predominantly their preferred biological genotype/phenotype would be someone with a larger/chubbier body type. I guess in some ways...
  5. y2kboris1

    Essay on FA's

    Jason first off your article was interesting, although I'm not sure I would agree with some of the conclusions you draw, but I particularly found the part about how mass media affects people's perceptions about what's attractive interesting. Kinda makes you wonder if we could somehow remove...
  6. y2kboris1

    Girl's jealous of BBW's

    Tad if that is the case then wow. Talk about something laced with dark sardonic humor, but also incredible tragedy. My own personal philosophy in life has always been if you work hard, physically, intellectually, in school, work, your personal life etc; your efforts will be rewarded. My parents...
  7. y2kboris1

    Girl's jealous of BBW's

    So Fueling basically what you're saying is you think thin privilege exists? I have no doubt that social hierarchy plays into the psychology of why some people think they deserve a better mate. People think they deserve certain things for a lot of convoluted reasons: sometimes it's they make a...
  8. y2kboris1

    Girl's jealous of BBW's

    I never necessarily agreed with their conclusions. I was just using the videos to prove a point that indeed some girls use the jealousy thing as a form of animosity against bigger women. I think Kittykitten first said it but then Tad nailed it. Some people really see society as a pecking order...
  9. y2kboris1

    Girl's jealous of BBW's

    Exactly Tad. It's almost as though some of them have an entitlement mentality. They think that since they've worked out to maintain their fitness that now they're entitled to pretty much choose whoever they want their partner to be (within reason). I think it's important to caution everyone in...
  10. y2kboris1

    Girl's jealous of BBW's

    Fueling fire I think that's it; plain and simple. These women are just jealous. They want to leverage the fact that they think they're attractive to most (if not all males) based solely on their thinness/fitness. Just because someone is fit doesn't mean they necessarily desire to be with someone...
  11. y2kboris1

    Girl's jealous of BBW's

    Loopy I think in general in our society both thin and fat people alike are judged a lot more harshly for how they look/present themselves; but I chalk it up to the nature of the "beast" soo to speak. In general male sexual psychology is such that how a woman presents herself is going to have a...
  12. y2kboris1

    Catsuits/lycra Spandex - can anyone help?

    Hello all. I was wondering if anyone knew any good sites online where I could find catwoman-type spandex suits. I've searched and searched all over the net, but it seems most sites either don't carry my wife's particular size, or they don't carry the particular style I'm looking for. Any help...
  13. y2kboris1

    Girl's jealous of BBW's

    I apologize if I came off as being perceived to say such that women, especially larger women need to always look their best; heaven only knows in society people care too much about the outside appearance, even sometimes I am guilty of that sin; both wanting to look good, or wishing my gf put in...
  14. y2kboris1

    Fit men and chubby women

    It's not a double standard; shame on that person. They obviously have never thought about what they actually like long enough (more than 2 minutes), to formulate an opinion that doesn't involve a conditioned stimulus from the media or TV. These types of people always agitate me the most. They...
  15. y2kboris1

    Fit men and chubby women

    Oh man this thread. I think a while back I posted something similar on Fantasy-Feeder and there was almost a fight on the forum. I've posed almost the same question there before, but it was along the lines of "Is it hypocritical, to want to be thin whilst wanting a fat partner?". It drew a LOT...
  16. y2kboris1

    Girl's jealous of BBW's

    My girlfriend does this as well. Although usually it's in relation to the fact that she refuses to buy new clothes cause either she thinks she's won't look good in them, or she's planning to lose the weight; and then she never does. I think part of feeling good about how you look also has a lot...
  17. y2kboris1

    Girl's jealous of BBW's

    I get that a lot. Kickback if you will... from my girlfriend. She just can't seem to understand why I find her soo attractive. She thinks of herself as being hideous, and even when she glimpses herself in the mirror she can't stand the look of it. I find it bothersome to say the least. But...
  18. y2kboris1

    The biggest plus size model ever to get a contract with a major modeling agency

    Good point. Any working medical definition of health needs to include some sort of language that addresses the full range of body weights. By their very nature all weights are going to have both medical advantages and disadvantages. Like I said before real health should be measured by vitals.
  19. y2kboris1

    Girl's jealous of BBW's

    Dr. Feelgood I'm not entirely sure exactly what your alluding to here.
  20. y2kboris1

    Spanish artist photoshops celebrities to look fatter

    I think it's an interesting case example of 'don't take how someone looks at the moment too seriously' as if it's the most important thing in the world. There are soo many debates amongst FA circles about whose attractive and whose not, when in reality there's nothing wrong with the women in the...