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  1. Miskatonic

    Here Are Some Robot Puns

    I work at a semi-automated warehouse. In this warehouse there are robots that run around, grabbing shelves of product and bringing them up to us so we can pick items from them. And all of these robots have names. Really terribly punny names. I've made it a goal of mine to document as many...
  2. Miskatonic

    Getting Fit While Still Liking the Fat?

    Yeah there probably is not conflict and I am just overthinking it. It just feels like if I find bigger people attractive than I should find myself attractive being big. Yet I don't.
  3. Miskatonic

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    I even look good in my laundry day clothes.
  4. Miskatonic

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Laundry day.
  5. Miskatonic

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Well yeah you gotta look pretty while the hubby robs banks.
  6. Miskatonic

    Getting Fit While Still Liking the Fat?

    So here's a question I've been turning over in my head lately. I've been working on getting in shape, i.e. losing weight and building muscle. I've gone from 238 to 184 so far and I've gotten pretty strong. I feel good and I've become very health conscious and fitness oriented, personally...
  7. Miskatonic

    Singles rolecall!

    Yo idk why everyone always complains. Being single rules.
  8. Miskatonic

    Ever met an asian FFA?

    You have not spent enough time looking at Japanese porn if you don't think there are asian FA's.
  9. Miskatonic

    Rep whines

    I like to think that my witty and wonderful posting is all I need to generate a huge amount of rep. Edit: Does anyone else find it interesting that we as human beings could become so concerned about how many little green cans we have under our names on a forum? Could be an interesting paper in...
  10. Miskatonic

    What did you dream last nite?

    I didn't dream anything last night, but the night before I had a dream that I was lost in the desert and dying. I had just about lost all hope when I met a shaggy dog. And that dog's fluffy coat inspired me to live.
  11. Miskatonic

    What are you doing right NOW?

    Browsing Dims and procrastinating on homework. Like ya do.
  12. Miskatonic

    FA are sexist?

    It's simple: the sex objectification displayed by a lot of FA's is considered alien by a sizeable majority of the population and therefore it's "worse" than the sex objectification that permeates mainstream society. The FA population is no more sexist than any other male demographic; it's just...
  13. Miskatonic

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    I don't think that having people who aren't as hardcore into something as I am get involved in that thing in any way diminishes my experience, however. Let's say you're at a sci fi con and there is a group of "bros" walking around bro-ing out about stuff. They may not have a complete collection...
  14. Miskatonic

    Here's A List of Things I Like:

    Dogs. Cats. Driving at night. Writing code. Drive-In Movie Theaters. Walking on a warm fall evening. Iced coffee. Spending time with a cherished friend. Apples. Protein bars. Diet Coke. Drawing a picture of a fantastic creature. Trees. What kinds of things do you like?
  15. Miskatonic

    The thread for random single confessions!

    I confess that I find most of the people who are as passionate about the things I am passionate about as me to be incredibly obnoxious.
  16. Miskatonic

    Fit men and chubby women

    I am currently working on getting into shape (50 pounds down, 25 to go) and I've actually thought about this quite a bit. Why do I think I should lose weight and be fit, yet I am attracted to women who are fat? I don't have an easy answer for this other than it's preference. I can find a big...
  17. Miskatonic

    Balance between SA and Victim Mentality

    Oh absolutely. When you start making negative explanations/excuses for who you are, it betrays a lack of self esteem. In fact, making those excuses may be contributing to that damaged self esteem as the person isn't owning who they are but rather explaining away who they are.
  18. Miskatonic

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    You're making the assumption that just because someone is an actor or actress or is good looking or otherwise does not fit into the nerd/geek stereotype that automatically means they were a bully or a jerk to kids who were nerds/geeks in high school. I'm a good looking guy who runs with "regular...
  19. Miskatonic

    Post 5 random facts about yourself

    1: I taught myself to read when I was four. 2: I'll be taking the MIT Challenge starting in January. 3: I'm involved in the BDSM scene and am in fact an owned slave. 4: I've never eaten a strawberry. 5: I went cold turkey after smoking two packs a day and I haven't looked back once.
  20. Miskatonic

    Where to begin as an FA

    Meeting a BBW and cultivating a relationship with her is exactly the same process as meeting any girl and cultivating a relationship with her: be yourself and treat her like a person rather than like a strange, fragile creature. Take some time to get to know her. Just because she's attractive to...