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  1. Miskatonic

    Stupid Crap.

    I'm feeling intensely negative so let's talk about dumb garbage that annoys you. I'm tired of seeing that hump day meme. Every frikkin Wednesday it floods my Facebook.
  2. Miskatonic

    Hi.. Is anyone into photography?

    I'm not what you would call, you know, good, but I dabble in photography from time to time.
  3. Miskatonic

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Here's a picture of my butt.
  4. Miskatonic

    What are you happy about today?

    I started classes today, and they're all online so I don't even have to change out of my PJ's.
  5. Miskatonic

    When/how did you notice, "Wow, I got fat?!"

    I didn't really notice just how fat I had gotten until I lost a bunch of weight and compared before and after pictures. I have a neck now. It's weird!
  6. Miskatonic

    2013 Singles Palooza

    It's providing me with pretty much everything I'm looking for aside from sex. But I can live without sex. I actually haven't seen her for a few days because she's been busy working the green room at the local sci fi con and damn I'm missing her. Hopefully I'll get to see her tomorrow as today is...
  7. Miskatonic

    Who likes to watch Fat girl work-out?

    I see you are armed with cat ears. I too have a set of them.
  8. Miskatonic

    In a perfect utopia, how big would you be?

    Honestly I want to be smaller. It's a bit weird wanting to have a woman who gains while I'm obsessed with getting smaller and "in shape". I just think I, personally, would look better at a smaller weight. I want to get to around 160. 180 with muscle.
  9. Miskatonic

    Hey!! been off for a while! just saying hey!

    That's a good weight. I look forward to seeing your progress!
  10. Miskatonic

    If you had the power to change your FA-ness...

    I wouldn't change. Being into big women is a big part of my identity and makes me unique in my circle of friends. Well, not entirely unique. I DO have friends who are also into big women. But still, it's a part of who I am and I wouldn't change who I am for the world.
  11. Miskatonic

    Fat Person Only Gym?

    Honestly I find going to a regular gym to be more motivating. Not only do I see a lot of people there regularly and see the progress they're making, but the people who work there know me by name at this point and have commented on what a change they've seen in me. It's uplifting to know that...
  12. Miskatonic

    What is your weight right now?

    I'm still hovering around 190.
  13. Miskatonic

    Who likes to watch Fat girl work-out?

    So ladies, how many of you like watching fat MEN work out? Eh? Ehhhh?
  14. Miskatonic

    Hey!! been off for a while! just saying hey!

    Hey there! Congratulations on your gain, even if you did lose a bunch recently. We all have slip ups so just keep up the good work. Your belly looks great, by the way! If I may ask, do you have a goal weight?
  15. Miskatonic

    Who wants to help me avoid jury duty?

    The easiest way to avoid jury duty is to be a naturally deplorable person and just let that fact shine during selection.
  16. Miskatonic

    Post 5 random facts about yourself

    1. I like to draw. I don't do it as much as I should but occasionally I get bitten by inspiration and spend all day with a pad and pen in my hand. 2. I also like to write, and I am in fact quite good at writing, but I don't do it often outside of journalling. 3. I often make up words as I...
  17. Miskatonic

    What's pissing you off today?

    Unfortunately I don't know much about dyeing so I can't give you many more tips. :( I'm still pissed over some stuff I found out a couple days ago regarding my job hunt. Apparently getting free training from the career center has locked me into having to find a job in the field I trained in...
  18. Miskatonic

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    I love that song. I'm not listening to anything right at this moment but lately I've been listening to the Iron Sky soundtrack. It's way better than it has any right to be.
  19. Miskatonic

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Star Trek V was really dumb. Even when I was a kid and obsessively devoured everything Star Trek no matter HOW bad I hated it. As for me, the last movie I watched was Iron Sky. I'd give it 5/10. It was trying way too hard to have a cheesy sci-fi atmosphere to it. It was semi-enjoyable, but...
  20. Miskatonic

    What's pissing you off today?

    My friend's trick for keeping her hair looking good longer is to only wash her hair once a week. Personally I couldn't get away with that because I have oily hair (plus I play with my hair when I'm nervous so that adds to the oiliness) but it might work for you.