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  1. QueenB

    San Francisco DIMS meet-up version 4.0

    haha damn yous. sounds like such a great time.
  2. QueenB

    Your worst moments with the opposite sex

    +1 ...........
  3. QueenB

    Are you finishing the food of others?

    i don't like to share. well, ok, maybe just a little bite or something.
  4. QueenB

    Secret Turn-ons

    yesssss. dreamy sigh.
  5. QueenB

    Things A Fat Girl Would Like To Be Able To Say

    "there are so many cute clothes to choose from! and so cheap, too! (and they are so flattering, carry my size, etc.)"
  6. QueenB

    Anna Scholz: high end fatshion? sizes 18-28

    gingham dress. a;ldfkjasdf cuute
  7. QueenB

    Rep whines

    my first light green can :3 thanks everyone!!
  8. QueenB

    Are you finishing the food of others?

    always. my sister has leftovers in the fridge for such a long time (like 2 days), but i always end up eating them and she gets angry. ._.
  9. QueenB

    Your favorite show from the 90s!

    adventures of pete and pete salute your shorts rocko's modern life
  10. QueenB

    Happy Birthday Sugar and Spice!!

    happy birthdayy
  11. QueenB

    Happy Birthday SMA413!!

    have a good one :]
  12. QueenB

    Happy Birthday Bmann0413!!

    have a great one :happy:
  13. QueenB

    Some recent artwork I have done.

    really cute
  14. QueenB

    Favorite Poem?

    one of them. Walking Around by Neruda (translated by Bly) It so happens I am sick of being a man. And it happens that I walk into tailorshops and movie houses dried up, waterproof, like a swan made of felt steering my way in a water of wombs and ashes. The smell of barbershops makes...
  15. QueenB

    Comic book/cartoon character crushes

    shit. i was also going to say gambit.
  16. QueenB

    Comic book/cartoon character crushes

    this counts, yes? @_@
  17. QueenB

    For the new Terminator movie

    aw shit
  18. QueenB

    oy, it's letters to people and things!

    oh my god. your hair is incredible, wicked. :happy:
  19. QueenB

    Our Community Loss - Cindy G.

    I personally didn't know her, but seeing how many of you she has touched makes me wish I had. i send my deepest condolences to her family and friends.
  20. QueenB

    peanut butter and jam!!!!!

    peanut butter + RASPBERRY jelly/jam/preserves + on toasted sourdough = my personal fave.