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  1. Chandler Bing

    Whose President is he?

    Vespertine Thank you for at least trying to make a statement that didnt' start with a "oh well it's more Bush's fault...or Just give Obama a chance" or the usual HP posters...and I'll include myself in this at times...that basically throw their two second..."YOUR WRONG" post.. Your right in...
  2. Chandler Bing

    My beloved Navy jacks it up again

    Yea I know..it just really sickens me that they put this piece of trash's name on a ship...Maybe it will be a mercenary ship...services sold to the highest bidder.. Course I'll really call Bullshit when they make the USS Arnold Schwarzenegger. Everytime it leaves port, the crew shouts "I'll...
  3. Chandler Bing

    What if the Tea Party was Black?

    No I think that's pretty nasty in any light
  4. Chandler Bing

    Ariz House: Check Obama's Citizenship

    ZING! Just sayin...
  5. Chandler Bing

    The Good Old Days Tea People Long For

    yea....sarcasm... moving on... Just sayin...
  6. Chandler Bing

    Here's what I don't get about the Tea Party...

    This is one of the better read threads I've seen on here...great discussion topics.. I will say that I don't fully believe that its just because of who the President is...it's an easy excuse in my opinion...I do believe there is the confusion of federal vs. state legislation...but that's just me.
  7. Chandler Bing

    Ariz House: Check Obama's Citizenship

    ok I'll agree with the majority of the posters on this thread... IT"S OVER...let it be over... The birthers and their continued harping over this...it's annoying and one of many reasons the republican party looks like idiots. He's the President of the United States....been there over a...
  8. Chandler Bing

    Earth Day Reflections

    I couldn't agree with you more on the progress the country has done to make creative and substantial change to the land we have. As others do, I hope we, as a country, can continue to expand our thoughts and technologies to begin the process of becoming a self sustaining entity that produces...
  9. Chandler Bing

    The War on Cigarettes

    OK PMS Chandler has finally left for this month.... Please disregard my rude agreement on this earlier section of the thread. Ya know...smokers do get a bum rap...I don't smoke but I have friends that do...and I mean as Lilly and others have stated..usually if a smoker is like..ya know...
  10. Chandler Bing

    The Good Old Days Tea People Long For

    *insert Law and Order sound here* or the Jeopardy Final question theme..whichever is preferred. but Mack...the box has been opened...it would be neigh impossible to revert back...
  11. Chandler Bing

    Time to Stop the Drug Law Madness

    ok ok.. I see all the replies to the points...no opinions I have about things. 1. no I don't believe that it's only "liberals" that smoke pot, use drugs, drink and drive...etc..Is that how I sounded in my responses....absolutely..and that is wrong. I step back from the accusatory stance on...
  12. Chandler Bing

    The War on Cigarettes

    HEH Too True!
  13. Chandler Bing

    Time to Stop the Drug Law Madness

    Wait whoooo...this has nothing to do about party lines, political manifestos, or who hates who up on the hill. That statement is MY....yes amazing...My personal opinion... the questions of do I drink and/or use prescription drugs is mute. I do drink..I don't abuse it and I don't decide...
  14. Chandler Bing

    Tom Tancredo: Send Obama back to Kenya

    Insert Drum sound.. and the boos commence... Just Sayin...
  15. Chandler Bing

    Time to Stop the Drug Law Madness

    yea that's absolutely what CA needs now....*insert sarcasm here* sorry not a fan of drugs...and totally not a fan of legalizing them. You can toss out all your experts and your lib op blogs saying how fantastic the world would be...I still think it's bullshit....nope I'm not 60 nor a...
  16. Chandler Bing

    Another tea party down, no racism to be found

    Insert drum roll here... BaZinga!
  17. Chandler Bing

    How to Talk to a Tea Party Activist

    ahhh must be a Conservative mole trying to stir up the pot again..LOL there is some honest debate happening on a thread...well till the whole blame bush rant was thrown in and flopped.. Keep talking people...the first post in a while where I don't really have to roll my eyes...beyond...
  18. Chandler Bing

    Another tea party down, no racism to be found

    Wow..goshka..thank you for enlightening me on the workings of the mind. Yes I'll admit that at the time I wrote it, I wasn't awake enough to make sense...but to some..ya just don't need to... I guess my implication of the aforementioned post...that everyone flew in to defend on. what that...
  19. Chandler Bing

    One of the Fortunate Few

    Wow liberals spouting...GOD's love and that of Jesus Christ...Isn't there like some separation between church and the progressive state?
  20. Chandler Bing

    Another tea party down, no racism to be found

    Here we go....sigh Of course it would lead you to believe that...because that's what your mind tells you...and wants to see.