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  1. Chandler Bing

    New poll about republicans

    That's it folks...let's do it... start chanting...HATE HATE HATE HATE RUSH RUSH RUSH RUSH HATE HATE HATE HATE BECK BECK BECK BECK.. hmm sounds like a Democratic Tea party protest to me...well we must be equal here right? One hate group against another..whoo hooo Do I have a...
  2. Chandler Bing

    Poll: Anti-socialist Tea Party activists want government to create jobs

    NO NO NO NO you listened to that Interview wrong... the Obama supports said..I have NO money, Obama will take care of everything~My house, my car, my care, and my life...:happy::doh::mad::(
  3. Chandler Bing

    Vatican scandal may touch pope

    creative headline....sad story as someone who had a period in his life where Catholicism was there...it was an experience...I've never seen the dark side that is described here... But I also don't believe that it JUST happens in the Catholic church though...or just that one branch of...
  4. Chandler Bing

    Tea Party Supporters, Your thoughts please.

    no basis on reality....wow....I don't know about you but when I see the amounts removed from my paycheck each period...that's pretty real for me. That's one of the items the movement is opposing...vast taxation across the board for and there being no end in sight...that's one of the main...
  5. Chandler Bing

    Surprise...road rage accident centers on Obama bumper stick....

    REP to all above minus OP. It's just stretching for any instance that can be twisted into a hate/racism/violence/etc statement against Republicans..... Now who's twisting everything to get the response they want...the audience they feed off of? Wanna talk crap about the Republican...
  6. Chandler Bing

    Tea Party Racism

    It's very simple Gomes....Carter was a boob...and who idolizes him? Just Sayin...
  7. Chandler Bing

    A Simple Question

    Yep, frame a question in a way that just leads to your ultimate opinion...and the lemmings will follow.
  8. Chandler Bing

    Obama Scores...GOAL GOAL GOAL GOAL GOAL.....

    Well Thank God for America...that you have such a captive audience to repeat the same talking points over and over..and over...and over..and... Oh wait I thought only Republicans do that... Pot and Kettle....just sayin
  9. Chandler Bing

    Tea Party Supporters, Your thoughts please.

  10. Chandler Bing

    Tea Party Supporters, Your thoughts please.

    Are you paid to tout talking points? I'm just curious...
  11. Chandler Bing

    My thoughts penned to a friend

    why was the other post from the individual this morning deleted?
  12. Chandler Bing

    The United States greatest country in the world? What happened?

    are you effin kidding me... ~unsubscribe...it's now become absolutely pointless to keep on reading.
  13. Chandler Bing

    Tea Party Racism

    Not to sound like Deliman but where are the reports of weapons at rallies? SOOOO Rush and Beck spout out things that may be construed as propganda...while we have rush...Dems have "the View" or "Rosie" or News Media...We can draw comparisons all day long and talk till we're blue in the face and...
  14. Chandler Bing

    Tea Party Racism

    WOW...Interesting read! Thanks
  15. Chandler Bing

    My thoughts penned to a friend

    A healthy Health Care discussion was had over facebook this week and it really got me thinking about what he had meant. He wished to publish an OBit piece in his local paper to the founding fathers for failing them to the "enemy within" and how we've discredited them. Well I actually to that...
  16. Chandler Bing

    Welcome to your new health care plan ...

    Here: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111_cong_bills&docid=f:h3590enr.txt.pdf#page=1 It's the entire Law...all 906 pages....Start Reading...you'll be further ahead then the Congress by Breakfast...cause they sure as hell haven't fully read it.
  17. Chandler Bing

    The NEXT big thing

    SIIIIGGGHHHH Lily..I do so apologize for taking a moment and putting some levity into a board that so vehemently despises a humorous stance instead of the cowtowing of I hate Former President Bush...I Hate dem damn Republicans...they are haters, etc.. We can spin this into a don't ask don't...
  18. Chandler Bing

    The United States greatest country in the world? What happened?

    Yeaaaaahh I'm just wondering which Blogger though up those rankings...where's the hard data to back those rankings up?....
  19. Chandler Bing

    The United States greatest country in the world? What happened?

    Here Here Webmaster Thank you for acknowledging that even with the county's hiccups...we're still a fantastic land full of promise..if you want it and are willing to make the effort to achieve it!
  20. Chandler Bing

    Tea Party Racism

    YOU want perspective...REV Wright....AL Sharpton Don't tell me that the Right OR the Left are clean with this...I still stand by Laura's post...it's discusting on both sides...mostly because it's never "LET GO" by the media, or politicians who have stayed in the house/senate WAYYYYY to...