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  1. Happenstance

    Has anyone ever considered leaving or actually left dimensions before?

    I Go in and out of phases where I feel That phrases on a screen are not my friends And existential questions of what's real Cause periodic visitation ends But if I am the only of my kind And else imaginary people fill Then what's the point in cluttering my mind With what...
  2. Happenstance

    Edgar's Answers In Songs Game

    Close but not quite! The head bowed three times, not to the executioner, but to Pooh-Bah, the Lord High Everything Else! (I was in a production of The Mikado last year!) Dr. P, I believe you are talking about the Devil. Question: Where am I keeping the present? Clue song: Rogues, by Incubus
  3. Happenstance

    Are there any FA's in Canada??

    Isn't there someone on the site with the username 'Canadian'? Resident of Montreal here. Hello hello.
  4. Happenstance

    Rep whines

    The very idea! When have you ever seen me abbreviate old as ol'? That is most definitely not me.
  5. Happenstance

    When do you first recall your attraction to larger people and/or WG?

    For me it's always been other people in my life, not things on television programs or otherwise. My mother's best friend was/is a big girl, who for me was the sort of early crush that elementary schoolchildren sometimes have on their teachers. Then there was the boy in second grade who I was...
  6. Happenstance

    British TV Documentary seeks BHMs and FFAs

    I want to say I saw this exact same thing about two years ago on another website.
  7. Happenstance

    Oh, isn't this the truth? Bullying Keeps Overweight Kids From Exercise

    Apparently, for many years I did not have the proper form when running. I wasn't particularly interested in running and avoided it if possible, but every so often my stepfather would tell me to run somewhere (to retrieve a sledgehammer, say) so he could mock the way I ran and tell me how to run...
  8. Happenstance

    A Matter of Thirds

    Are hints in order? 13. Rain, Body, Milk 22. Super, Folk, Show 24. Major, Scales, Knowledge 33. Time, Head, Captain 34. Good, Old, Socks 36. Box, Blood, Bomb 37. Cut, Off, Coffee Well, here's one hint. For #13, just ask your friend Tay.
  9. Happenstance

    Disappointing riddle thread

    What's purple and commutes? An Abelian grape.
  10. Happenstance

    Talk About Your Latest Gains!

    Well, I had a goal of reaching 250 lbs. by 2009... and made it four months early. It's been kind of overwhelming, for some time I was averaging three pounds per week. I've had to retire most of the pants I owned before June. And it's only encouraged me to go further. If it were possible to...
  11. Happenstance

    Trans Fats: Victims of Bad Publicity?

    That is simply not true - they do exist naturally in small amounts, and have been consumed by humans for eons via meats. The human body may not be properly equipped to digest them, but neither can we digest cellulose in vegetables. Do we stop eating vegetables? My entire point, regardless...
  12. Happenstance

    Disappointing riddle thread

    A man walks into a bar, and his wheels fall off.
  13. Happenstance

    Trans Fats: Victims of Bad Publicity?

    When was the first time you heard of trans fats? If you're a biochemist, perhaps you've been familiar with at least the minor structural difference that distinguishes these from the rest for quite some time. But the first I heard the term was about four years ago, when I heard that the...
  14. Happenstance

    Kisses! Pictures!

    With Kiyera's permission, I present you...
  15. Happenstance

    your fantasy weight

    Recently, the great goal on the horizon has told me 400 lbs. is what I want to arrive at. This is quite a bit higher than any other goal I've ever set for myself, but I decided that I'd rather get there and experience it rather than spend the rest of my life wondering what it's like. Then the...
  16. Happenstance

    Family and weight

    You're a stronger person than I for not letting this bother you anymore. That a sister would do this is beyond my comprehension.
  17. Happenstance

    Disappointing riddle thread

    Q: What has four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs at night? A: A starfish with rotten luck.
  18. Happenstance

    What was the first album you ever bought?

    Mine was Santana's Supernatural. Goodness, was his follow-up album Shaman ever terrible.
  19. Happenstance

    What's your BMI Guys?

    33.4 I am apparently Edx-sized.
  20. Happenstance


    Recently, I've had a dream where I split myself into two people so I could ride two motorcycles at once, then one where I was eaten by a tiger while browsing a forbidden library in an underground cave. Kel Mitchell co-starred in the second one. Who needs drugs, I have imagination!