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  1. D

    Free Pot for Poor People

    in a way I do agree with you on the notion that it is a straw man argument . only to assert the fact that the GOP want to deliver social security and every thing else to the sharks of wall street to gamble with it . both congress and wall street have a track record of economic disaster .
  2. D

    Free Pot for Poor People

    that's no thing , compared to the capitalist society inability to comprehend the financial sector's cancerous growth to the degree it had stifled both the economy and political life .
  3. D

    Barack Obama’s recess gamble goes bust

    defiantly Obama had the chance in the first year to do some thing good if he restored Glass–Steagall Legislation and then pecked and chose who to bail and let the big investment bankster fail and came up with a new deal and employ every body . but he blew it then and they got him a...
  4. D

    Corruption of the Left

    I thing speaker Gingrich is a liberal ,socially, somewhat .I 'm talking economically . not socially .you will change your mind after two years from now . .
  5. D

    Corruption of the Left

    there is no left party in America yet . But by the year 2020 a real socialist party will govern.if not sooner , mark my words .
  6. D

    Young Americans are increasingly liberal

    Deli , as usual , the republicans has the ability to scream but don't have the brain to think . they have prepared the rope to hang themselves . I can see the democrats painting the republican as the do nothing congress the the party that has only one objective : to make Obama a failing...
  7. D

    Young Americans are increasingly liberal

    in another world republicans has no thing to lose ! they already lost and it won't harm them more to throw mud around .
  8. D

    Hypies on Hiatus

    same thing here , keep up the good work.
  9. D

    Regular working class persons, Capital Hill?

    I changed my assignment ! I guarantee you you will accomplish nothing . no matter what you do you simply lack the logic to understand logic and comprehend politics . these four president are mere 4 out of thousands of people that are the same run of the mill no matter how you dice it . a...
  10. D

    This is my first draft

    -it is not true that the lower prices that result from the employer not paying the employees enough money . the price is not determined by the cost of production alone but it is actually is determined by the demand and scarcity and utility and each and every one of these factors can be...
  11. D

    Regular working class persons, Capital Hill?

    good for you . with Perseverance you will accomplish your goals .
  12. D

    New York's New Loony Left Mayor

    not necessary. look at it like this :every raciest is a Conservative , but not every conservative is a racist . like saying: " every black person is a human , but not every human is black . can you see that ?. not necessary , same as above . same as above .
  13. D

    New York's New Loony Left Mayor

    - this is a true conservative, he could be a capitalist too . - now this is definitely not a conservative . this is a bloody capitalist libertarian .
  14. D

    Between a rock and a hard place

    oh I thought you were advocating that the republicans "not to bail out" insurance companies in order to make Obama care die , and i was merely reminding you as bad as you want that when it comes to insurance bail out you will bail them holding your nose . this is me just saying the same things...
  15. D

    Between a rock and a hard place

    when ever there is a need for bailout it will be done and both republicans and democrats will heed the instruction of there Gods the financiers .They will find justification for their decision no thing is holly when it come to the desires of Wall Street.
  16. D

    A note I sent to a friend- any comments

    you can't compare Hamas to any government . and all the cement in the tunnel hardly can build one home . As for Sunni Shiite fight that is a fight between Arabs and Persians my prediction is all Arab Shiite will join other Arabs and fight Iran within two years from now . you are looking at the...
  17. D

    Between a rock and a hard place

    if insurance or banks feel the need for a bail out ; then all republican , libertarians or not ; will support that , tucking there tails between there legs . it is the financial institutions that call the shots in America , not any body else .
  18. D

    Peak Oil?

    china as a state and as an empire wasn't born yesterday !. china by far has been the oldest and the strongest state on this planet for thousands of years . except for the last three hundred years or so .it is obvious that they will come back as the top state on this globe , but they are not...
  19. D

    Democrats Vs. Republicans

    to prove what ? what exactly you need prove of I will provide you with indisputable one . just to be clear and to put the ball back in your corner do you have any dispute about the corruption of the the financial sector in the US starting with s&l in your Runny days to Enron's fraud to and the...
  20. D

    GOP Shutdown Undermines US Geopolitical Strength

    The QE (trillions of it) only goes to the banksters for a near zero interest rate who lends it to the financiers and vulture capitalist .