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  1. BLK360

    What does DIMs and the BHM/FFA Board Mean to you?

    Should we get t-shirts made for the occasion? If so, I leave it to you to pick who's picture we use as the half-faded mascot.
  2. BLK360

    T M I, W T F Thread

    She has a point, similar situation ruined my Christmas last year. O.o
  3. BLK360


    You're just hatin'. But that's ok, at least you're a gorgeous hater.
  4. BLK360


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Muj26g3eugU Nuff said yo. :D
  5. BLK360

    What are you unhappy about today?

    Pure stupidity. It was nothing. One of those times when you want something to go right so badly, you just kind of completely brain fuck yourself. lol I made agua refresca to calm my mind, I love that shit. Used watermelons and cantelope.
  6. BLK360

    Instant Attraction

    I have this happen when I wake up in the morning. Life is attractive in general. But as for specific situation, I only remember once for sure, and I ended up stopping her, talking to her, and that lead to the worst relationship of my life. lol.
  7. BLK360

    What are you unhappy about today?

    I can't sleep because my brain is in over-analysis mode. Going over every little strand of evidence, and I just want to smack it against a wall to turn it off. Seriously, for something that is supposed to be the essence of my being, it sure seems to be a completely other part of me at times.
  8. BLK360

    Facebook, MySpace, AIM

    All of mine are linked under my little pic to the left but as for my facebook, suppose I'll link that. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/Sweetcheekin
  9. BLK360

    The Music Thread

    Now that was a fun find there. Thanks for sharing that one. And to keep the thread going. Rhapsody of Fire - Holy Thunderforce.
  10. BLK360

    Cinderella foods

    Mung Beans turned into a good Dal side dish.
  11. BLK360

    The person above me game

    ^May have problems distinguishing gender. (or maybe I do.) <Wants so badly to let Mr. Bob have a Vox whatever it was....but doesn't know what one is. Will provide artistic assistance with introducing Mr.Bob into the erotica novel. V
  12. BLK360

    What did you say to me?!

    I'm with you...that kinda made me uncomfortable. Was not expecting that.
  13. BLK360

    PC Gamers

    I've been interested in it too. But it's only taking little baby steps outside of the box unfortunately. I want to see what the entire finished product brings though and what Ideas they change. For now, it's interesting, but still not going too far off the formula, which is sad, I liked the idea.
  14. BLK360

    Happy Birthday Surly!

    Happy birthday. Don't know you well, but that's no reason to not wish you happiness, ya? heh.
  15. BLK360

    Interesting thing happened

    The part of your post I pulled out is where I would have just beaten that man. Especially seeing as it isn't someone you know very well. Some fucking idiots I suppose....blegh.
  16. BLK360

    What are you unhappy about today?

    Can't get stereo hearts out of my head. Adam levine, you catchy bastard.
  17. BLK360

    PC Gamers

    Subscription. and your computer can handle it for sure. It's an interesting game. I never got too deep into it, I fell more into darkfall and games like that. But Eve is a really good game.
  18. BLK360

    The person above me game

    ^ Inspired my new novel. < Is contemplating a compelling ressurection of Treach at the end of the story involving bacon waffles. Will be my first reader. V
  19. BLK360

    PC Gamers

    Has no one here played Eve, or Darkfall? UO, anything like that? Am I all alone? Maybe perpetuum?
  20. BLK360

    PC Gamers

    Also if WoW bores you, there are MMO's that don't follow the same formula. Not that it isn't good for some people, i'm sure they enjoy it. But there is a plethora of them out there to try.