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  1. Wagimawr

    A Hyde Park Confession

    The immediate celebration isn't quite as offputting; it's clearly a VERY GOOD THING(tm) that Osama bin Laden is dead. If they're still chanting and cheering in, oh, say, a week, though, some people need a serious attitude adjustment; we're not done playing ball with terrorists yet - not by a...
  2. Wagimawr

    Transgender Woman Severely Beaten at Baltimore McDonalds While Employees Watch

    I wonder how common the "criminal sues for being caught and/or stopped from being a criminal" scenario plays out, and more often, how often it's successful for the criminal.
  3. Wagimawr

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Force Unleashed II It still doesn't make sense for it to take three hits to take out a stormtrooper WITH A LIGHTSABER but I'll go with it. Huzzah for controller-swinging, button mashing fun! :D
  4. Wagimawr

    PC user? Relief is on the way!

    There's USUALLY some way, it might involve deepfreezing the hard drive or something wacky but yeah :p my next desktop will be a Mac...maybe a touchscreen STAR TREK HERE I COME :D
  5. Wagimawr

    PC user? Relief is on the way!

    Mac users, no smartassery please. We all know your computers rarely crash...but for the rest of us: DaVinci's Notebook - The Gates I'm sure we've all had days like these.
  6. Wagimawr

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Played my first online round of Goldeneye 007 in a week or so, get through one game *hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng* OH THANKS FOR FREEZING, WII. Ah well, back at it! :D
  7. Wagimawr

    More than 80 percent of Americans want to tax the rich

    I've also never believed that people with no musical talent whatsoever should be forbidden from declaring that an artist or song "sucks"...but that doesn't mean I'm not curious.
  8. Wagimawr

    More than 80 percent of Americans want to tax the rich

    How many of you arguing against taxing the rich are actually rich?
  9. Wagimawr

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Yes, yes it is. :D CAN'T UNSEE
  10. Wagimawr

    Hello Wagimawr it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, wh

    dingdingdingdingwe have a winner! yeah, sorry OM, too lazy to find the "what does your name/nick mean" thread :p
  11. Wagimawr

    The View from the Back

    No, somehow I don't think that's it...
  12. Wagimawr

    Hello Wagimawr it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, wh

    welp got this message again guess I'd better post
  13. Wagimawr

    The Game Has Changed: UN Authorizes Force in Libya

    You forgot the Arab League supporting the no-fly zone. THE FRENCH FIRED FIRST. When was the last time THAT happened? :p
  14. Wagimawr

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Needs moar lip tremble.
  15. Wagimawr

    Your skinniest and fattest pics - Part 2!

    More tummy is good...very good, actually. :D
  16. Wagimawr

    The Word "Retard": Stop Using It...

    Isn't the word "retarded" being phased out in favor of "mentally handicapped", thus leaving the word open to be used for its insult power only? This of course begs the question that if somebody is not offended by a derogatory term that applies to them, are they in the wrong to be unaffected by it?
  17. Wagimawr

    Shoshie stacks it on

    Just one? ;) Ah, well, it's a good start. :D
  18. Wagimawr

    Smaller girl wanting to gain.

    An excellent start :) hopefully the more you CAN eat, the more you WILL eat!
  19. Wagimawr

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    You will, for his sake, move out from behind the ukulele now and again, yes? :p