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  1. Miskatonic

    Oddest fantasy?

    My oddest fantasy is being dominated by two or three girls with strapons. Haters gonna hate.
  2. Miskatonic

    The thread for random single confessions!

    I confess that I'm creeped out when a woman shows interest in me first. I'm not the guy who women have ever gone after and since all my weightloss girls have been noticing me and expressing interest. It's creepy and strange and I don't really know what I'm supposed to do about it because I've...
  3. Miskatonic

    I'm back, and I'm a different gender now.

    I'm new so I don't remember you from before, but congrats on your transition! I'm glad it's working out for you so well. And if I may say so, you're looking rather cute :)
  4. Miskatonic

    Single, Attached, Looking?

    I'm 29, bi, and I'm not attached to anyone but I am sleeping with a couple people. Not really "looking" for anything but if something were to happen, then hey, I'm not gonna complain.
  5. Miskatonic

    Question for the bisexuals

    I'm bi but I definitely lean towards the straight side. I'm very finnicky about the men that I sleep with/date, but not so much when it comes to women. But I'm fairly open sexually, so I'm not really even sure bisexual is the proper term. Basically I am either attracted to someone or not...
  6. Miskatonic

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    How's this?
  7. Miskatonic

    How to treat a woman. Your perception.

    When it comes to someone I'm in a relationship with I treat them like my equal. In my experience most women don't want to be treated like a queen OR a slave. They want to be treated like a partner. I try to work a little chivalry in there, like paying when we go out and such, but in the end I...
  8. Miskatonic

    90's gaming

    You can get it on Steam.
  9. Miskatonic

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    I can relate to this. You gotta go for it though. Otherwise you'll never know if it would have worked out or not.
  10. Miskatonic

    The thread for random single confessions!

    IC that I haven't drawn anything since last week and I'm feeling a little gross because of it.
  11. Miskatonic

    90's gaming

    I don't know how I managed not to mention Resident Evil 2. Or Half Life. Descent was decent too. It seems to be one of those oft forgotten gems.
  12. Miskatonic

    What do you like about the previous poster? Part Trois!

    Thanks, I am a cool guy. And for you, well, I'm a sucker for blue eyes
  13. Miskatonic

    What do you like about the previous poster? Part Trois!

    He has taste in kart-mounted assault weapons
  14. Miskatonic

    Dims Crushes

    I'm still fairly new but there are definitely a few women on here who've caught my eye
  15. Miskatonic

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    I got a game called Frozen Synapse today off Steam and I've been playing it nonstop. It is such a tough game and requires a ridiculous amount of thought which I appreciate to no end since games these days seem to be all about shutting off your brain and shooting everything. Not that I mind that...
  16. Miskatonic

    I've gotten really big!

    Very sexy. I love the stretch marks, they're gorgeous!
  17. Miskatonic

    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    That would make a great post card.
  18. Miskatonic

    what's making you laugh right now?

    My roommates and I just watched the first two episodes of Legend of the Seeker and, well, it's the Sword of Truth meets Xena. It was probably the most accidentally hilarious show I've seen in a long time.
  19. Miskatonic

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    The Swedish Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - 6/10. I certainly liked the movie a lot better than I liked the book, but I felt like it was still a bit of a mess and there were parts where I would have been very lost as to how things tied together if I hadn't read the book. It still felt like two...
  20. Miskatonic

    Why FA often refer to paysite models when they talk about their ideam BBW

    Abercrombie and Fitch models are literally anatomically correct Ken dolls.