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  1. jack

    Grammar (another anal post...)

    Sorry, man. Is it cold there? In Canada, I mean.
  2. jack

    There, their and they're.

    Do you always pronounce Mexico as "Me-hee-koh?" It's perfectly ordinary to apply your native dialect's pronunciation to foreign words - especially names.
  3. jack

    Grammar (another anal post...)

    I'm not really that bothered by it unless it makes the post impossible or nearly impossible to understand whatsoever. There are only a few people who do that consistently here. I posted this because there was already another thread in which people were merely complaining; I thought I'd offer...
  4. jack

    Grammar (another anal post...)

    "They're" is not the same as "their" is not the same as "there." "You're" is not the same as "your." If you have one of something and you would like to make it two or more: DO NOT use an apostrophe. This includes BBWs, CDs, FAs, and DVDs. An "apostrophe-S" is used to show posession or a...
  5. jack


    I think of organized crime, honestly, when I think of Italians, Russians, Columbians, or Hassidic Jews.
  6. jack

    Spellchecker (warning: anal-retentive observation ahead)

    You can view posts threaded, linear, or hybrid. This is caused when people posting in linear mode have their posts read by people posting in threaded mode, or the other way around.
  7. jack

    southeast Michigan, anyone?

    I'm on the other side of the lake, about 3 hours away from all you SE MI peeps.
  8. jack


    Come on, everyone has at least HEARD that they're all really clever with money.
  9. jack

    My "freaky" fat legs are finally fashionable??

    Bratz are evil, disgusting, and sick.
  10. jack

    Harry Potter Author Slams Uber Thin Models and Thin Obsessed Industry

    Neville isn't a loser, though. He starts out that way, sure, but in Order of the Pheonix, he just isn't. And there's nothing wrong with Mrs. Weasley's character. She's one of the most respectable mothers I can think of in children's literature.
  11. jack

    such a sad world we live in

    That's what I was trying to say without being rude.
  12. jack

    A Furry Kitty [PICS]

    Thank you for being respectful. I understand your point of view now.
  13. jack

    such a sad world we live in

    I can totally understand that point of view. Read the next verse: Paul says "And such were some of you..." As far as a verse that unequivocally explains that homosexuality is sin: The thing is, you either believe this or you don't believe it. You can't convince anyone to change...
  14. jack

    such a sad world we live in

    The former has an increasing tendency to CAUSE the latter.
  15. jack

    A Furry Kitty [PICS]

    I agree with that. I just felt like - and I may have been wrong - with the comparison to shaving cats, she believes that no woman should ever shave any part of her body. This doesn't make sense to me if guys should/can still shave and she's cool with that.
  16. jack

    A Furry Kitty [PICS]

    I totally agree with this; I think it's one of the most thought-out replies so far in this thread. My girlfriend waxes her eyebrows and has waxed her legs. I'm sure that's a lot less painful than the bikini line, but she says it's not that painful and doesn't really mind it. So, not...
  17. jack

    Where oh where is April Jasmine?

    Please tell me this is a joke. This is bound to become a year-long flame war. She's skinny now. Now you know. That's all.
  18. jack

    FFA's - Where you at?

    I think that it's way more common for a girl to prefer a big guy over a skinny guy, but since it's so common, they don't need to come into the bbw/fa/bhm/ffa community. They just go out with a big guy, and nobody thinks anything of it. Female feeders, on the other hand, seem fewer and further...
  19. jack

    Harry Potter Author Slams Uber Thin Models and Thin Obsessed Industry

    She has: Neville Longbottom. Even his name implies that he's fat. He's constantly described as "moon-faced," and I think she calls him "chubby," or something to that extent. At least once, she compares him to Harry's cousin Dudley, who is described as "wider than he is tall." So, while the...
  20. jack

    a question about pictures for the men

    I remember that cd picture, and whose it was. I don't have a picture in my profile because anybody could see that. But if anyone asked me on IM, I'd show them my myspace, which has pictures of me.