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  1. Fairia

    Zippity doo dah!!!!!!!

    Way, or weigh, to go! :P
  2. Fairia

    Real Vampires Have Curves!

    There is an RPG video game series,Shadow Hearts, in it's third installment, has a playable character who's not only a female vampire, but can also change her form depending on calorie intake. Hilda can become Curvy Hilda with plus calories and minus calories for Silm Hilda, and in between she...
  3. Fairia

    'plus-size' pin-up calendar

    Aw, and I thought it was gonna be about actually putting together a plus-size calender shoot. I was like, "I wanna do it! I wanna do it! Me, me!" Heehee
  4. Fairia

    Sociology of being fat...

    Since going to a physical doctor last time really hit home that I'm gonna get those that think I'm headed for an early grave because I'm heavy. And the one time seeing "Obesity/Dysmetabolic syndrome" written on a med sheet was enough to send me into hysterics and making any physical discomfort I...
  5. Fairia

    Happy Birthday, shdwyldcat!

    Here's your cake for today :). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ================ ================ ===+======+===== =====+=======+== ===+======+===== =====+=======+== ================ ================ ---------------------------
  6. Fairia

    Tiny Tigers - Toygers!

    CuteOverload.com did exactly the same mentioning of these Toygers. As much as I adore cats, I thought at first that this would be some sort of mad experiment when they referred to these breed as "in-development", like messing with animal mating and species DNA, but, I may not exactly know how...
  7. Fairia

    The IT Factor

    Oh, I see... whoopsies.:doh:
  8. Fairia

    birthdays suck

    Yeah, everyone takes the time to make a thread for all the members' upcoming birthdays. Mine won't be until in May, but it will also be a first as a member here. But I guess it's the continued pounding by society of being between 30 and 40 years old , of being too old and over the hill, still...
  9. Fairia

    The IT Factor

    My "factor" is the tall, broad or lanky type guys, complimenting my polar opposite of short and pear-stouted :P, and if they're also intelligent, or at least if they have "common sense" intellect. I know what you mean by the sort of semi-effeminate guys. I call them Bishonen :D. (Good call that...
  10. Fairia

    Happy Birthday Ruby Ribbles

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ============ ============ ===+==+==+== ==+++===+++= ============ ============ ------------------- Here's a cake finally arriving for you :).
  11. Fairia

    Happy Birthday Chad

    Happy birthday! Here be cake for you! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =============== =============== =============== ===+===+===+=== ===+===+===+=== =============== =============== ------------------------
  12. Fairia

    Speaking of movies....

    I've watched the OLD films back in college for film studies classes, so I sense there's a lost with films of today being too fast and "flashy" )meaning eye catching when not needed) Out of those classes, Double Indemity was among my favs. The 30 foot Bride of Candy was from 1959, but it's in...
  13. Fairia

    Ladies: Could YOU be 9 months pregnant and not know it?

    But what if you weren't sexually active and heavy set, what then?
  14. Fairia

    Looking back.

    I looked back on some pictures of me around 6-8 years old and certainly wasn't huge then, I just really had the "chubby cheeks". After that was when I was putting on some, but when I had the short bob hair cut, I looked like a boy and even worse when I got contacts. Which is why now I'll only...
  15. Fairia

    Happy Birthday Totmacher

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ============== ============== ===+===+===+== ===+===+===+== ===+===+===+== ============== ============== ------------------------ Happy Birthday!
  16. Fairia

    My little brother beloved falcon

    It's not often you hear of people talking about the passing of their birds, especially birds like falcons. But he really is a beautiful bird :), and best regards in this time of need.
  17. Fairia

    Happy Birthday Mrs. Ho Ho !!!!!

    Here's a specialty cake! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ============= ===+====+==== ===+====+==== ===+====+==== ============= -------------------- Happy birthday.
  18. Fairia

    Happy Birthday Tearinyourhand

    Here's a specialty computer cake! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ============ ============ ==+===+===+= ==+===+===+= ============ ============ ------------------- Happy birthday!
  19. Fairia

    ~~~Happy Birthday Blue-Eyed Banshee!!! ~~~

    I'll make my complimentary Happy Birthday for another member today :). !!!!!!!!!!!!!! =========== =========== ==+==+==+== ==+==+==+== =========== -----------------
  20. Fairia

    Happy Birthday Butterbelly!

    Happy Birthday! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! =========== ==+==+==+== ==+==+==+== =========== ------------------