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  1. JenFromOC

    Favourite thing to do with a partners belly

    *raises hand* You have a volunteer.
  2. JenFromOC

    Does it run in the family? (FA relatives.)

    Oh HELL no! You'd think by the way my family acts, I'm the only woman on earth that would find a big guy attractive. EVERY time, and I mean EVERY time my mother starts bitching about someone I'm with, she says these EXACT words...."And what is with this....FAT fetish you have?" She still talks...
  3. JenFromOC

    What is making you SAD right now...

    I stole it from a Gary Allan song. It's country music lol...but you might really like the song. His wife committed suicide a few years back and I believe it's about his process of recovery. If you don't want to listen to the song, here are the lyrics :) "Every Storm (Runs Out Of Rain)"...
  4. JenFromOC

    BHM/FFAs Introduce yourself here

    Agreed :eat2:
  5. JenFromOC

    What are you unhappy about today?

    Ha! Not only am I hitting roadblocks with the college, my husband laid into me yesterday. I asked him if he'd be willing to ask his Command to sign off so I can go to school at the residential tuition rate and he lost his shit. He yelled at me and said that we never discussed me going back to...
  6. JenFromOC

    R A N D OM Awesomeness

    Fuck. I love this movie.
  7. JenFromOC

    Share snacks, food, your current eating endeavors. Let's talk food. I like food.

    I've been cooking like crazy lately. Pecan sticky buns, chicken casserole, pecan tassies, candy cane snowballs, M&M cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies....I love making baked goods.
  8. JenFromOC

    What is making you SAD right now...

    There's some deep stuff on this thread, I feel for everyone, but in a way it's nice to know we aren't alone in feeling sad. Hugs to everyone. Every storm runs out of rain.
  9. JenFromOC

    Share your Amazon Wishlist - 2012 Edition!! :

    I just sent a couple of things...this is fun :)
  10. JenFromOC

    What are you unhappy about today?

    You know how I know it's hopeless? Even Tad didn't have advice for me :( Yep, I'm crying now.
  11. JenFromOC

    What are you unhappy about today?

    Looks like going back to school was just a fantasy. I don't qualify for military tuition fees because I'm not officially on my husband's orders....and I have to be a resident for one year to qualify for the residential tuition fees. I've been a resident of Hawaii for 4 days short of one year...
  12. JenFromOC

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    I just love how the storm of the century hit just as we were pulling up to get Taco Bell...and had to settle for McDonald's instead. I hate you, Hawaii.
  13. JenFromOC

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Contrary to popular belief, what happens in Vegas, does not, stay in Vegas. You have herpes.
  14. JenFromOC

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    I know what I want for Christmas!
  15. JenFromOC

    Share your Amazon Wishlist - 2012 Edition!! :

    Grrr...maybe just not meant for me to share. I'll try one more time. I'm still browsing lists and gonna get some stuff for people. It's about giving, not receiving, afterall lol Last try: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/2JUKIHLXDZ/?tag=skimlinks_replacement-20
  16. JenFromOC

    Share your Amazon Wishlist - 2012 Edition!! :

    Really enjoying looking at everyone's lists...it won't let me insert the correct link :( Trying again....http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/registry.html?ie=UTF8&id=2JUKIHLXDZ2NP&type=wishlist
  17. JenFromOC

    Horny Meter

    My husband is a real ass, but hot damn he makes me horny. He's gained like 30lbs over the past year and it's making me crazy...um, he asked me to rub his belly on Thanksgiving. I about died. And then a couple of nights ago, he was eating ice cream in bed and he said, out of the blue, "I know...
  18. JenFromOC

    Curiousity setting in

    At this point, I'd just be happy to find a job lol
  19. JenFromOC

    Has anyone heard of this?

    This is why I love you. You are always so spot on.
  20. JenFromOC

    What are you unhappy about today?

    Sorry to hear :(