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  1. Crumbling


    Whisky I drink... but i'm too ruddy cheeked to make the goff thing work.
  2. Crumbling


    Thought I should grow out my beard and see how it looks.
  3. Crumbling

    What are you unhappy about today?

    If she likes the Proclaimers and hasn't seen 'Sunshine on Leith' I recommend you hunt it down for a date night. It's a jukebox musical featuring songs by The Proclaimers.
  4. Crumbling

    The thread for random single confessions!

    I gave away a pile of good furniture 10 years ago when I moved back here. now i have to furnish a house again ... and everything new is crap. Everything is made of cardboard, foil and potmetal these days. This is why i built my own Bed. Side rails just buckled out on a month old frame...
  5. Crumbling

    The thread for random single confessions!

    The hat is tall, pointy and smells vaguely sulphurous. The sparsely decorated room contains only a dresser, a desk with a few books, a basic cot with rumpled bedding and in the corner is a hatstand with a cloak draped over it. On the floor are scuffed chalk marks and a colourful rag rug, the...
  6. Crumbling

    What song is currently stuck in your head?

    Òran na Cloiche or ..Òran na Cloiche for a less manic arrangement and a translation of the lyrics are here I've been composing a parody so the whole thing is going around and around,I can mix and match what I have and keep the meter I've got a solid opening verse, a soso second...
  7. Crumbling

    What are you happy about today?

    My mother has an awful habit of talking smack about people when she thinks they can't understand her. One day it will bite her in the ass. I was once riding a bus with a very petite asian friend, while a group of Italian exchange students were engaged in a loud and graphic discussion of...
  8. Crumbling

    What 'derp' / 'doh' moment did you have today?

    Assert dominance by maintaining eye contact for the entire duration.
  9. Crumbling

    Blurred lines? Ffa and feeder

    it's why she used the past tense here Dwes..
  10. Crumbling

    Never been approached by a BHM

    This is true for pretty much everyone.
  11. Crumbling

    What are you unhappy about today?

    It's still art even if you don't get it!
  12. Crumbling

    Event!!! Drunk Teamspeak Night

    I'm really sorry that I started laughing when you started with "Father of the shining bolt, dark misted, what is this you said?..." I really wasn't expecting your voice to be that high pitched.
  13. Crumbling

    The thread for random single confessions!

    I know who you are. I've heard all about you. But you don't remember me. You'll be hearing from me again. I recommend that you take my call. Or I'm going to have to do what I did in Reno. And I really don't wanna do what I did in Reno, not again. Good talk. Be good. See ya later...
  14. Crumbling

    What are you unhappy about today?

    It really adds to the experience of supervising a learner driver too!
  15. Crumbling

    What made you LOL today?

    I was doing up some buttons and thought of you. That's right folks!... new pillows.
  16. Crumbling

    What are you unhappy about today?

    I'm sorry that the cause of my unhappiness does not come up to your strict qualifying criteria.
  17. Crumbling

    What are you unhappy about today?

    Thanks. I'm alternating on sad/angry/just glad to be out of it before it gets worse. I'm trying very hard not to use 'sunk costs' or 'perceived optimal value' to justify not doing the difficult thing or hanging on for just another year. I'm not the only one hit, but I may be one of the...
  18. Crumbling

    Pet Peeves

    Worse is when they start sending you discount coupons for things you do need... BEFORE you know you need them
  19. Crumbling

    The thread for random single confessions!

    Where, oh where, are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and I thought I'd found true love. But you met another and pthrrrrp! You was gone. :(
  20. Crumbling

    What are you unhappy about today?

    Mrs. Crumbling has departed for the other side of the country to start a new job on monday. She's staying with a cousin of mine there until we can organise our own place (which hopefully should only take a week or two). Meantime myself and the dog have to stay put and take care of selling up the...