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  1. Crumbling

    What are you happy about today?

    Mrs.C gave me an early birthday present. We went to see a production of Spamalot. Lots of fun. I was sat immediately behind the seat with the Grail under it... so narrowly missed audience participation.
  2. Crumbling

    What made you LOL today?

    Like you'd remember what you went down there to do even before two scales start screaming 'Jesus! one at a time!' and "get off me!" at the top of their voices.
  3. Crumbling

    What made you LOL today?

    Talking scale... for when you can't see your feet.
  4. Crumbling

    You know your a BHM when??

    it can't be pretty... he just passed a windmill...
  5. Crumbling

    What's pissing you off today?

    the phrase "the questionable act of dog crating" Who are these idiots? Who is actually questioning the use of what is basically an indoor kennel? What are we going to question next? leashes? feeding your pets? We're not talking about bonsai kittens here. FFS.
  6. Crumbling

    You know your a BHM when??

    Someone beat me to that title...
  7. Crumbling

    You know your a BHM when??

    Twice now. ... i just changed doctors.
  8. Crumbling

    You know your a BHM when??

    They need a second scale to weigh you.
  9. Crumbling

    What would a group of FFAs be called?

    a letch a fondle a grope a discombobulation
  10. Crumbling

    What made you LOL today?

    Revisit that in 20-30 years when peeing is both painful and takes too long. Kegels... no-one ever regrets them.
  11. Crumbling

    The thread for random single confessions!

    We mostly use brown basmati these days.. it needs a bit more work, presoaking at least, but sometimes picking over for husks if its not the regular brand. Damn stuff takes forever to cook if it's not presoaked. Back when... I used the rice bowl thingy in my steamer (+1 for not being a...
  12. Crumbling

    What's pissing you off today?

    So having been advised against having another child because there was a high chance of miscarriage and significant risk to the woman's own life... she fell pregnant again. one of her brothers after a few beers got a bit riled up about it and vented to the group... She'd weighed up the pros...
  13. Crumbling

    What are you happy about today?

    Mine has been adjusting well to the move. He's dealing well with the leash and walking better on it, even sitting nice so it's not a chore to put on and take off. This whole deal of people picking up his poops is weirding him out though... As is the bizarre pocket dimension that is...
  14. Crumbling

    What are you happy about today?

    It looks like the villain reveal at the end of Spy-Pets 5: In space.
  15. Crumbling

    What are you happy about today?

    the bed is assembled, the pratchett is on the shelf and i grilled steaks for dinner. I live here now.
  16. Crumbling

    What are you nerds reading these days?

    Ben Aaronovich's "PC Grant/Rivers of London" series. The first novel is called "Rivers of London" but was also sold with the title "Midnight Riot" in the US.
  17. Crumbling

    The thread for random single confessions!

    never mind that ... who cleans up after the guide dog?
  18. Crumbling

    The thread for random single confessions!

    Eh. It's not a foul unless you start motorboating.
  19. Crumbling

    What are you happy about today?

    Just so we're clear here.... Is there actually anyone who doesn't want to see Dwes in the dress?
  20. Crumbling

    What made you LOL today?

    WRT a discussion about Haggis that was had over the weekend. (by people who showed up and therefore don't suck) http://www.scotlandnow.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/tv-show-puppet-cooks-up-8505896? It's even in french so all our canadian friends can enjoy it. also... This nonsense has also taken a...