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  1. Crumbling

    Autism Acceptance Month: #RedInstead

    Bloody hell loops. Did you burn the place down or what?
  2. Crumbling

    What's pissing you off today?

    I am fast approaching the point of 'really don't give a fuck' with the level of irrational over entitled bullshit I've had to deal with today. Some people need a hard lesson in 'no amount of shouting, whining or generally wishing it wasn't so will make this my problem rather than yours'...
  3. Crumbling


    This is how I imagine your life.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpckOsftaP4
  4. Crumbling

    The thread for random single confessions!

    I've rarely made a loaf that had time to get down to room temperature... nevermind go stale... a heel of homemade bread which only has salt as a preservative will dry out and go hard as it goes stale. Commercial bread in the same conditions will bloom with spores moulds and fungus before...
  5. Crumbling

    What are you happy about today?

    Another three. Two are in calf.. I sold off most of them at the end of last year.
  6. Crumbling

    What are you happy about today?

    Two of my empty cows sold to a good home today, this is a weight off my mind because if they go to auction there is always a chance they will go direct to slaughter once sold. They'll be staying put for a month or so yet... they'll get moved on sale day.. which makes sense because it minimises...
  7. Crumbling

    The BigChaz Milkshake / Smoothie Thread

    How about a peanut butter one?
  8. Crumbling

    What made you LOL today?

    How do you stop bacon curling in the pan? A. Take their brooms away
  9. Crumbling

    Event!!! Drunk Teamspeak Night

    Alas and alack... I'm (somewhat ironically) attending a gaming convention that weekend. Looking forward to seeing some old friends ... and just playing games again.
  10. Crumbling

    What are you unhappy about today?

    Could be worse. Just make sure you learn from it, a friend of mine set her breasts on fire (reaching for something on a back burner) at least a dozen times that I know of. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAp8j4c2LGs&feature=youtu.be&t=46
  11. Crumbling

    Happy Birthday Loopy!

  12. Crumbling

    The thread for random single confessions!

  13. Crumbling

    What made you LOL today?

    Good opportunity to get some cleaning done. Good opportunity to get some cleaning done.
  14. Crumbling

    unpopular opinions thread

    He's a really good writer, his work with Ruth Jones on 'Gavin and Stacey' was downright brilliant...but his one trick 'Smiffy' TV persona is awful. The Smiffy character in gavin and stacey was actually more endearing. I have no idea if it's a caricature of himself or if he's actually...
  15. Crumbling

    What are you unhappy about today?

    Letting a fat man get his feet under the table is not going to help with that.
  16. Crumbling

    What are you happy about today?

    Dude sold his girlfriend for cash. Sounds like he offered a discount too.
  17. Crumbling

    What are you happy about today?

    the last thing we knead is a pun thread.
  18. Crumbling

    Event!!! Drunk Teamspeak Night

    I'm a fairly solid 'probably not', I've got conjugal visitation this weekend :blush:. And need to be away early on Sunday to co-sign paperwork/help with moving into our new house.
  19. Crumbling


    And I really did appreciate the ego boost. It was certainly a lot less confusing than the picture Dwes sent me. Dude, what is wrong with your thumb? and why was it dressed up like an italian waiter?
  20. Crumbling


    No kilt, It would just bunch up and ruin the line of my overalls ;P Curling I could probably enjoy, but we never had facilities here.