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  1. Perry White

    Looking for a story.

    :doh: Replied before you posted, but didn't submit until well later. I assume you're okay with having this story back on the site? Let me know.
  2. Perry White

    Looking for a story.

    There's also a story by Matt L. about this which is unfortunately in holding. Bringing down the Queen Bee The Fattening of the Prom Queen by John was just linked, it is also in our holding area. After looking it over, there are no age mentions and no underage characters from what I see, so...
  3. Perry White

    Looking for stories

    Glad you found them!
  4. Perry White

    please help!

    Can you be more specific? There's 200 or so BHM stories, so it's kind of difficult to sift through a search. Maybe a name, or something that happens in the story?
  5. Perry White

    Bodybuilder - by SkinnyToChubby (~BBW, ~~WG, Lesbian)

    I echo the sentiments, this was wonderful, and I hope we see more! :)
  6. Perry White

    Ashblonde's Thread

    No problemo. :) Thank you writers for writing such great stories!
  7. Perry White

    Looking for old BUF story - How to Grow A Goddess - I think?

    BUF? Mind going into some more detail. There's no story on the forums called that, but it sounds familiar. Also, you made this topic 2 years ago, and got no responses, please don't keep making the same topic.
  8. Perry White

    Favorite Arrested Development Scenes

    Any scene from ¡Amigos! Gene Parmesan! :p Haha, oh boy, I think I need to rewatch that episode soon!
  9. Perry White

    Magic + College Girls Story

    I found it. It was removed from the site. I looked it over, and it adheres to all the rules, so I put it back. You can read it here: http://www.dimensionsmagazine.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31506 That Crazy Old Man, by Rubarbstreet.
  10. Perry White

    Why Did God Create Atheists?

    In my experience, many believers can't believe that atheists can find happiness and fulfilment in life. :p
  11. Perry White

    Why Did God Create Atheists?

    No mind reader, just looking at the facts. Let's put it this way, you either didn't know about what it was exactly, or you chose to ignore the majority of the subject after the fact. Either way, you were ignorant of at least some of the information. Not sure why you made such a big deal of it...
  12. Perry White

    Why Did God Create Atheists?

    Some do, most don't. And those come up more during extra activities, like bible studies. Your average person that just goes to mass on Sunday doesn't really involve themselves too much with all of that. It's also kind of wrong to say I'm on the outside, I wasn't born an atheist.
  13. Perry White

    Why Did God Create Atheists?

    Those questions are for believers, haha. :) They don't really concern someone who's gonna burn regardless! :p My point was simply that religious dogma does emphasize what you subscribe to and believe. Accepting Jesus and all that razz-ma-tazz. Scholared theolgians are few and far...
  14. Perry White

    Why Did God Create Atheists?

    So wait, are you saying that to be accepted into heaven in a Christian relgion, you don't have to believe Christ was God? Because that goes against every notion of Christianity I ever had, and every other Christian I ever talked to...
  15. Perry White

    Why Did God Create Atheists?

    What gave me indication is that you're seemingly unaware of why it's wrong and every counter agument ever made against it. And if you did know about it, and are still trying to use it while knowing how absurd it is and how it's been rebuked by countless people over the years, then it's clear...
  16. Perry White

    Why Did God Create Atheists?

    I think almost every religious person has gone through doubt. Mother Theresa ended up not really believing in god toward her later years. I think those moments are the truly miraculous, and eye-opening. It's like that in all Christianity. You will be saved if you believe in Christ...
  17. Perry White

    Why Did God Create Atheists?

    You're not familiar with Pascal's wager then, are you? :) Joswitch covered the rebuttle a little bit in his response, one way of dealing with it. I'll deal with it the more traditional way, in explaining why your logic is flawed. Why is it flawed? You said, "But what if YOU'RE wrong...?"...
  18. Perry White

    Why Did God Create Atheists?

    Pascal's Wager? I shall emulate Voltaire's response, indecent and childish.
  19. Perry White

    Why Did God Create Atheists?

    That's not correct. Agnostics believe the possibility of god existing is as likely as him not existing. They're more of a "Don't know" sort of ballfield. Many Atheists, myself included, don't believe in god but know there is a possibility. Any Atheist you meet, that "knows" there isn't a...
  20. Perry White

    Study Finds that kids overweight/fat more likely to be bullied.

    What the study shows though is the severity of the bullying. Even when the students had qualities that deter bullies(Good grades for instance) they were still picked on.