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  1. GutsGirl

    your limits?

    I've (slowly and unintentionally) gained weight throughout my three years at college (I fell in love with the vending machines and cafeteria, LOL). My scale at home doesn't work, but I popped a quarter in a scale at the mall (I'm presuming it's accurate, but it might not be) and it said I was...
  2. GutsGirl

    Too Skinny contestant-in Miss Universe

    Zappa's awesome. :D *is addicted to listening to "Charlie's Enormous Mouth"* Agreed.
  3. GutsGirl

    Kathy Ireland, her slight weight gain & the Evil People Magazine

    I have a belly like that. :D (Well... okay, mine's a smidgen smaller, but... yeah, like that.)
  4. GutsGirl

    Too Skinny contestant-in Miss Universe

    THIS, totally. If I know how to rep you, I would. I know myself that somewhere in my early teens I got the message that my breasts were not beautiful, that in fact they were not sexy and not erotic. Was this ever told to me directly? No. But I still felt it. I still compared myself to others...
  5. GutsGirl

    Too Skinny contestant-in Miss Universe

    What about the International Size Acceptance's website itself? http://www.size-acceptance.org/ "So why all the attention to what ISAA has to say? ISAA takes a no-nonsense, professional approach to helping save lives through educating the public about health and wellness for people of all...
  6. GutsGirl

    Too Skinny contestant-in Miss Universe

    Well, thanks so much for making me want to slam my (or someone else's) head against a brick wall. You've elevated the tone of this discussion so very much. :rolleyes: Seriously, I think this is ridiculous. This woman should be allowed to compete in a beauty contest. So should the Miss England...
  7. GutsGirl

    Too Skinny contestant-in Miss Universe

    Why can't it mean both? ;)
  8. GutsGirl

    Plus Sized Vietnamese Bride get married.

    Hmmm... my waist (well, right below my belly-button, anyway) is 37 and a half... *feels suddenly worried* :eek: And above that, it is 32, I think. *clicks on link* Those brides look great, IMHO. Beautiful, happy, and hopeful... just like newlyweds should be. :)
  9. GutsGirl

    Plus Sized Vietnamese Bride get married.

    What about white girls? I'm Caucasian, 5'6", and a little over 160, if the scale at my local mall is to be believed.... ;)
  10. GutsGirl

    Too Skinny contestant-in Miss Universe

    Well, she could still be 'naturally thin' because that's just how her genes dictate that her body will burn or store fat, and apparently her ancestors survived long enough to pass on these genes to her. ;) If you look at different isolated human populations as adapted in certain superficial...
  11. GutsGirl

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    Awww. BBW/FA couples are the cutest. :wubu:
  12. GutsGirl

    increasing melanoma rates in women

    I personally don't find tans really attractive on people, women especially, blonde women doubly so. I used to see a woman at our local video store who always had a very deep tan -- and corresponding skin damage, including deep wrinkles. :( My mom has always tried hard to protect me from...
  13. GutsGirl

    Too Skinny contestant-in Miss Universe

    So what if she doesn't look hot to you; she never asked to be. No one on this planet looks hot to everyone else. That's why different people are attracted to different things. Maybe she doesn't want to weigh any more than what she does now. And did you not read my post and the other posts...
  14. GutsGirl

    Too Skinny contestant-in Miss Universe

    Look, I don't really want to stir up trouble, but isn't that kind of unfair to say? And also kind of cruel? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, after all, and size acceptance is acceptance of any natural size, whether a person's body happens to be larger than average or thinner than average...
  15. GutsGirl

    The Fat Girl Who Came to Dinner

    Sue, I just cannot understand why your sister-in-law would be so prejudiced against you because of your weight, or why she would act like it is a disease. That and the social-climbing ambitions make me think she is probably a very sad and insecure person deep down inside. Perhaps, perhaps not...
  16. GutsGirl

    Skewed sense of size

    Being on Dims and also on other BBW sites has definitely altered my perceptions of what's thin or curvy. I look at thin models now and they really look so thin next to BBWs or even plus-size models... or, heck, even people who are considered by the media to be 'somewhat overweight' (you know...
  17. GutsGirl

    Fat People Now Causing Global Warming [News Piece]

    I really, really doubt the whole 'global warming' phenomenon, frankly (though I'm open to being proven wrong, but I think that being proven right OR wrong will probably only definitely come with several decades' worth of hindsight), and I do think that this is an attempt to further stigmatize...
  18. GutsGirl

    Double yolk eggs

    I had an egg one time that had double yolks. I don't know if there's any folklore behind it, but it was a perfectly good, delicious egg--though the double yolks were perfectly formed but just somewhat smaller than a normal, single yolk.
  19. GutsGirl

    Gluttony has ensnared me yet again, oh yes.

    I love eating, personally. I guess that's why I have a hard time understanding eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia (not that I don't feel compassion for those who suffer from such disorders, just that I can't understand the actions taken of not eating and/or purging), because I...
  20. GutsGirl

    Mothers, Daughters and Obesity

    Here's my story. I had thought about posting this a while ago, but I was emotional (angry, but mainly hurting) then, and so now I'm posting when I have a clear head. I hesitate somewhat to post this, but here goes. Both my parents are overweight. My mom is a BBW... may be even SSBBW, I don't...