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  1. archivaltype

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    I just didn't want to work that day.
  2. archivaltype

    Heavily Every After on TLC

    I agree; I actually found Freddie sort of endearing after awhile. It's obvious how much he cares for his wife, even if he's sort of...demanding at times.
  3. archivaltype

    What are you wearing right now?

    Can I say how much I love your hair? Seriously fierce! :wubu:
  4. archivaltype

    Sexy Food?

    I know my boy certainly enjoys cake (particularly chocolate, hands not necessarily necessary :P) and I loooooooooove love love pudding! Something about the messiness factor and the delishushness of it all just trips my trigger.
  5. archivaltype

    Cleveland Ohio where the Plus size Clothes at ?

    Woohoo for Cleveland!! Here's a google link for stores in the cleveland area :D yay shopping!!
  6. archivaltype

    Celebrity Chef Crushes

    Oh loooooord yes. I love that man :wubu:
  7. archivaltype

    Makeup Tips and Ideas!

    I can't do waterproof either for the same reason. My lashes stick straight out like a dern board. I *adore* Lash blast (orange tube, woot), and I haven't been able to go get more, but I have been using the brush with dif. formulas and it's worked just as well. I love love love the mascara wand...
  8. archivaltype

    It's Oatmeal Season!

    Oatmeal!! I love it so much. Nothing is more deliciously satisfying on a cold fall/winter morning/noon/night. I eat mine with lotsa brown sugar and milk and toaaaaaast. I looooove dipping a little corner of toast into the oats. nom nom nom.
  9. archivaltype

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear Valley, I am sad the school levy failed. Teachers are going to lose their jobs, programs will get cut, and our students are going to suffer. It's goddamn education people. I know we're a little rural town, but if you don't know and/or care that education is important, please go back to...
  10. archivaltype

    A Resounding Call for Conservatism

    Uhm...did you forget about the line item veto? That and a little diplomacy is what got Clinton so far. Troof here. Just because I have a lot of product doesn't mean there's going to be a demand for it, that's a ridiculous idea. Oh wait... And what if they can't afford to hire? Sure it's...
  11. archivaltype

    Proactiv anyone??

    My little brother and I use it; he breaks out mostly on his cheeks, for me it's around my hairline/chin/forehead and it's never been that bad. I've got oily skin, though, and it's really helped a lot, never dried my skin out at all. Except maybe in the winter, but it was only my cheeks and...
  12. archivaltype

    Is there ONE thing about your weight that may get in the way?

    Same!! I was thinking about this the other day when I was doing laundry so I could pack to go home for the weekend. It's sorta depressing :/ I'm with everyone with the roller coasters too. I used to ride them a lot when I was in high school, but ehhhhh I'd be mortified if I tried to and...
  13. archivaltype

    What are you wearing right now?

    ack these are so effing awesome!! did you make them??
  14. archivaltype

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear boyfriend, Seriously, you are the best :wubu: It was enough that you listened to me blubber on about how my computer stopped working at 3AM when I have a huge project due the next day, but you brought yours over and even some goodies. You are the sweetest person ever. <3 me
  15. archivaltype

    ABC Family show HUGE

    This! I was pretty stoked about this show, but after the first episode my heart kinda sank. I still love it, but maaaaan :doh: I was hoping for something a little different in this aspect.
  16. archivaltype

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear you, I'm just as pleased as punch that I found you. You're awesome, make up for every douchebag on the planet and then some, and look a like a blonde Zach Braff. I'm the lucky one :wubu: meeee. Dear tummy, SERIOUSLY STOP HURTING, OKAY?! I wanna feel normal before school starts :(
  17. archivaltype

    Dirty Laundry ~ Fat Addition

    Same here; one of my best friends (we've been friends since the womb) just got married and was thinking about having kids...her obgyn told her she couldn't because there'd be too many weight related issues...she's maybe 300 lbs soaking wet, and we're basically the same size. When she told me it...
  18. archivaltype

    BBW Confessions thread

    I confess this boy I've met is both beautiful and terrifying. He's hit my life like a ton of bricks and I'm not really sure what to make of all this. I wish I could trust people easily. It takes me forever to trust someone even a little bit. Bah! :doh:
  19. archivaltype

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear Monday- You've started out horribly, please don't end that way, okay? You suck enough as it is. :( KThanx.
  20. archivaltype

    Oy! The Official Bath And Body Works Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes! It was/is Wild Honeysuckle! Stuff smells effing soooo good. :D