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  1. archivaltype

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear Sophomores in my department: You guys are the messiest beings on the earth. Seriously. Learn how to clean up after yourselves cause we aren't kiddies anymore. :mad: Also...India girl, that was beyond rude. I don't know that girl, and I've only heard bad things about her...but you just...
  2. archivaltype

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    My roommate and I missed the first ten minutes last night!! :doh: Oh well, that's what hulu's for. :D IC that I think Puck and Rachel make the cutest couple. Ever.
  3. archivaltype

    Best Scary Movie?

    Ohemgee, me toooo. I don't have anyone to go with, either! Who doesn't like a scary movie?? :confused::p
  4. archivaltype

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear motivation, Please please please start working again. Please? Sincerely, Me.
  5. archivaltype

    Secret Turn-ons

    :bounce: I am soooo with you on the dishes thing. It's just one of those things...it's so domestic-ey and considerate...:blush: Also on my list: not needy/clingy but still touchy feely, likes horror movies, and men who appreciate the smell of old books. :bounce:
  6. archivaltype

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Congrats! That is awesome!! :D I'm happy I get to see Where the Wild Things are with my Nay and that I've got the apt. to myself for the weekend. :bounce:
  7. archivaltype

    Best Scary Movie?

    Ahahaha, I know, right?? LOL. Best part of that movie is at the end when he's in the bath room sayin her name...I was like OMG NOOOO DON'T SAY IT AGAAAAAAAINNNN :eek::eek::eek::eek:
  8. archivaltype

    Who hear does Convention Cos-Playing?

    Ahahaha. My roommate does, and we may or may not have spent afternoons on cosplay.com. :rolleyes:
  9. archivaltype

    Best Scary Movie?

    Oh my gosh I love The Candyman. It's so bad and creepy and amazing. Candyman, candyman, candyman, candyman...
  10. archivaltype

    What is making you SAD right now...

    Hugs for you, BG. I'm sorry you feel this way. Life has a way of screwing us over sometimes, you know? But...heh. I dunno. I believe that everything, good and bad, happens for a reason. So..whatever is going on with you...you'll make it. And you'll be stronger when you get through it...
  11. archivaltype

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear you, You probably know that I'm done with you. But...I wish you the best. I learned a lot from our ordeal, or whatever it was we had. Just...don't do to her what you did to me. Appreciate her. Don't take her for granted. She's a really great person and she deserves your best. Give it...
  12. archivaltype

    Make up - What do you use?

    1. Do you wear makeup? why or why not? Yup, even if it's just some foundation and blush. I don't really feel prettier with makeup on...just more put together. 2. What brand(s)/product(s) do you use? Smashbox/MAC for eye things (although I recently got a CK eyeliner on sale at sephora...
  13. archivaltype

    What is making you SAD right now...

    I feel you. It sucks to be the one who's left behind because someone else is easier. :( I hate feeling like I'm not worth the effort.
  14. archivaltype

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Lucky! ;) I'm happy that the bestie is takin me to my first evar haunted house for my birthday, that my roommate actually did the dishes for once :rolleyes:, and that my mother is perfectly fine listening to my rants about everything. :happy:
  15. archivaltype

    BBW Confessions thread

    :) Thank you. Hugs to you, too. :happy: I'm sorry you got stood up. Most men are inherently jerks. :rolleyes: But...Yay! Good luck on your next one! I admire your positivity.
  16. archivaltype

    BBW Confessions thread

    Good luck girlie! :happy: IC that I'm really tired of thinking I've gotten over it and then it hits me like a ton of bricks when I realize I haven't. :doh: Oh well. I also confess that I'm diggin the idea of some retail therapy right now.
  17. archivaltype

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I'm happy that today was wonderful because I made it that way. Yay for positive thinking! :happy: I'm SOOOPER happy about my trip to Buffalo on Saturday! Off to BodyWorlds and dinner with the other peeps from RIT. :wubu:
  18. archivaltype

    25 things that make you who you are

    I love these! :D 1. My great grandmother and I were born on the same day. My mom named me after her, too (Maggie Eloise). 2. I'm a Halloween baby! 3. I'm the oldest of three 4. I love my family more than anything. My siblings especially...probably because I worry about them so much...
  19. archivaltype

    What are you wearing right now?

    I am in loooooove with that scarf. It is nothing short of awesome.:wubu: Raegan! You remind me soooo much of a really good friend of mine. You even look like her! You both have incredible taste in clothes, too. She collects old hats and fur stoles. :rolleyes:
  20. archivaltype

    Before and After Makeup Pics

    Best part of this thread: everyone looks just as gorgeous in their befores as they do in their afters. :bow: