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  1. archivaltype

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Expiration Date : 11/10 Can I do that? Haha. If not, 10/10. I love this movie. It's quirky, funny, and heartwarming all in one delicious but evil prophecy fulfilling milk carton. GO WATCH IT. :happy: Under Our Skin : 10/10 A documentary on Lyme Disease. I cried. Not only because I was...
  2. archivaltype

    Abandonment Issues and How They Affect Your Life

    I'm super glad I went through this thread; I'm terrible about actually looking at myself and my own problems. If I can hold the mirror for someone else, I'm pleased as a peach. Now, if I have to look in it myself...it's not good. My dad was a drug addict for a long time. He'd been drinking...
  3. archivaltype

    BBW Confessions thread

    :mad: I confess that I'm really angry at people I shouldn't *really* be mad at and that I've been listening to Adele's 'Melt My Heart to Stone' for the past like...15 hours. Give or take a little. :eek:
  4. archivaltype

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I am beyond happy that I can actually use the boolean tool in StudioMax (3D modeling). That program's kicked my ass from here to Timbuktu, so it's nice to kick back. :) Plus it's been a reallllllllllllly long week. Yay for mini miracles. :happy:
  5. archivaltype

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Oh my god that sounds amaziiiiiiiiiiing. Hmm...just had a chocolate cannoli (I live like two minutes away from a bakery! :wubu:) and a chocolate coconut cake. I feel better now. :p
  6. archivaltype

    Post Your Goofiest Pictures

    Thank you! :happy:
  7. archivaltype

    BBW Confessions thread

    Thank you! :) Heh, I dunno. I do these things to myself, and when my bubble's popped... I'll learn one of these days.:rolleyes:
  8. archivaltype

    Post Your Goofiest Pictures

    ^^ That looks soooo fun! My bestie and I took a trip to Toys R Us on a Wednesday, so no one was in there...giddyup? :rolleyes: That horse kept fallin on the ground...damn horse...;)
  9. archivaltype

    Gap-Toof Lounge

    By old boss (best boss lady eveeeer) had the cutest gap toof ever. She loved it, too, which made it better. :happy: Does a reverse snaggle tooth count? :confused:
  10. archivaltype


    No summer here, either. Not when it mattered, anyway. :rolleyes: It was nice and cool all summer RIGHT up until we had to take the animals to the fair for 4-H. WAMBAMSHIIZAM 95 degrees of sunshiney doom. :confused::confused::confused:
  11. archivaltype

    2009 Singles Thread

    Single. I dig, most of the time. Not now, though. Definitely not now.:mad:
  12. archivaltype

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Shoo, cold-bug! SHOO! Feel better!! Have you ever tried boiling ginger root to make tea? It packs a punch (so put some honey in) but it works like a damn charm. :)
  13. archivaltype

    H A I R

    :wubu: So pretty!!
  14. archivaltype

    H A I R

    We can grow it out together! I've had my hair the same way for a long time. I'm a scratchin' for a change. I'd kill for some gorgeous long hair. :wubu:
  15. archivaltype

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Annoying: That nagging feeling in the back 'o yer head that says "HEY YOU! YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON HERE. WHY ARE STILL INVOLVED???" Also annoying: Ignoring this annoying voice. :rolleyes:
  16. archivaltype

    Nerd Rep! Showin off you "Nerd" side

    Especially when your DM is a jerkface and traps in you in gelatinous cube. FOREVER. Um...what? :wubu: I haven't played forever. I should start again. I need another reason to drink. :happy:
  17. archivaltype

    Clothing/Fashion Confession

    Haha, I had my first fitting at Dillards when I was...14 maybe? Grandma took me so I had no choice. I was mortified; the lady (are they all old?) made me take off my bra, pinched me, and brought me the worst. bras. ever. to try on. :rolleyes: Good times. IC that this thread makes me wish I...
  18. archivaltype

    Halloween Costumes

    Best. Holiday. Evar. I'm cheap and broke, so I'm going to make my own! I hope anyway. :rolleyes: I have every intention of being a turkey this year. :wubu:
  19. archivaltype

    Irrational phobias. . .

    Me tooooooooo. It's going to be epic. I don't care if I have to bring a change of underwear.
  20. archivaltype

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    I get warm ones from this thread. :wubu: Hope for all! :D