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  1. archivaltype

    Being friends with slender people...

    The bold. My friends know how I feel about my body. I look at it this way: I don't fuss, they don't fuss. And what's to fuss about, anywho? All my besties are skinny. I've got no problem shopping with them, especially for clothes. For one, I'd rather go clothes shopping by myself. It's...
  2. archivaltype

    Irrational phobias. . .

    I think so...it certainly looks like a man eating escalator in the preview. :eat1:
  3. archivaltype

    BBW Confessions thread

    :( This. thisthisthisthis. I'm tired, but I can't help myself. I guess something's gotta give sometime, right?
  4. archivaltype

    Irrational phobias. . .

    :eek: Me tooooo. I fell out of a hammock when I was little right smack on the ant hill...I was covered in them! ew ew ew. ANYWAY. I've got issues with walk-in freezers and escalators. The new Final Destination movie isn't going to help the last one...:doh:
  5. archivaltype

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC that I don't listen to my instincts enough. WHEN IT LOOKS SHIFTY IT PROBABLY IS. I dunno why I don't get that...:rolleyes:
  6. archivaltype

    What is making you SAD right now...

    Holy crap, me too. I watched it and cried for like...an hour after it was over. Incredible incredible incredible movie. Heh...I'm bummered out because I'm so damn easy to string along. :doh:
  7. archivaltype

    Two People, One Body

    If you are fat, do you wonder what you would gain by being thin? Absolutely. If I were thin, would a client take me more seriously? If I were thin, would my first (and to date, only) kiss have been in the 1st grade? If I were thin, would I be as happy as I am now? When I finally get to that...
  8. archivaltype

    New member, and artwork

    A beautiful color palette. :bow: and a good sense of proportion to boot!
  9. archivaltype

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Hersheys is the best! :eat2: Hmm....leftover sausage mushroom pizza straight from the fridge! :D
  10. archivaltype

    Calling all Youngsters!

    19, 20 on Halloween. Wooo!
  11. archivaltype

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Thank you for the warm and fuzzy greeting! :)
  12. archivaltype

    The show your face/introduction thread

    I've been lurking for..well, not tooo long, but long enough to feel bad. :3 So...Here goes. Name: Mag. Age: Hmm...Well, almost 20, but I'm definitely an old person at heart. Music: LOTS. Usually whatever I'm in the mood for..and I've got a lot of moods. :P Likes: LOLCats (way too much)...