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  1. formerking

    Kelligirl or an Imposter???

    Thank you very much for the clarifying this. Case "Kelligirl" closed. Yet, so other BBW disappearances remain painfully mysterious: Most prominent cases include Dani O. and Carolyn Owens.
  2. formerking

    It's "Show Your Ass For a Day" Day!

    The best way of taking up more space.
  3. formerking

    It's "Show Your Ass For a Day" Day!

    Your ass makes the world a better place.
  4. formerking

    Help desperately needed for one of our own!

    For many problems there is no permanent fix and alleviation is the best one can and should do in a civilized world. Mankind faces so many problems that, for the sake of logic, it wouldn't matter, if a collision with an asteroid would put an end to it all. Mankind would have existed...
  5. formerking

    Anybody know what happened to Rainyday...

    Let's not forget about these mysteries: Where are Carolyn Owens and Dani Osborn?!
  6. formerking

    Engagement Announcment!!!!!!!

    Congratulations. Wishing you two the best.
  7. formerking

    Name a movie that you found unwatchable.

    You did not like Blue Velvet... hmm
  8. formerking

    Name a movie that you found unwatchable.

    Dude where is the exit?
  9. formerking

    Name a movie that you found unwatchable.

    with Adam Sandler.... Maybe not the worst movie EVER, but it was a torture to watch: Boring
  10. formerking

    Ok newly engaged ladies

    Thank You, Boteroesque Babe. Also, I like the sprinkled German words. :)
  11. formerking

    Thread for random single good things....

    I am exquisitely happy that Laura did say yes since I am the one who asked her the question. Thanks to everyone for wishing us well.
  12. formerking

    I have a Question for the Ladies..

    Being attracted to fat women is not a fetish. A fetish is something, which requires certain objects or situations, which are extraneous to the person, but fatness does not fall in this category. Being fat is not something that someone acquires or happens to become accidentally over night. It is...
  13. formerking

    Huge Thighs?

    On the surface it is because FAs like them. However, I would like to share this link to an essay, presenting a hypothesis why evolution has favored women with fat thighs: http://www.lloydianaspects.co.uk/evolve/thighs.html
  14. formerking

    Oops I did it again...

    Congratulations. For the FA the story of your experience and the pictures are very thrilling. Thank goodness you did not get hurt. The injury potential of an accident like that scares the hell out of me. My girlfriend recently noticed that chairs with legs pointing slightly outward, like the one...
  15. formerking

    The thread for random single confessions Part Deux

    Throwing out stuff is so liberating that some go as far to do this in a ceremony. I used to know someone, a researcher at a U.S. high ranking university, who invited me a few times to an "appliance tossing party" he always held on New Year's eve. Guests were encouraged to bring toasters, TV...
  16. formerking

    R.I.P. Crazy Diamond 1946-2006

    Very sad indeed. Syd's contributions, direct and by inspiration, to Pink Floyd's music are immortal.
  17. formerking

    Do My Knees Look Fat to You? (NYT Article on micro liposuction)

    It is much appreciated, Rainyday.
  18. formerking

    Do My Knees Look Fat to You? (NYT Article on micro liposuction)

    Always something new to learning for a FA: I like the terms "banana fold", "piano legs", "doughnut", and "wings", but buffalo hump does not sound so endearing. Funny they are.
  19. formerking

    You're Invited to the Grand Re-Opening!

    Wonderful. I have been a regular for at least 6 years. Thank you.
  20. formerking

    Why is feeding accepted?

    If you must ask, your question should rather be whether there is a reason why it shouldn't be accepted. Usually, the lack of acceptance is the root of evil. People got killed for their beliefs, race, ethnicity, etc. Our initial stance should be open-minded and accepting. Acceptance does not need...