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  1. Blake

    Gay Marriage

    "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mohandas Gandhi
  2. Blake

    Gay Marriage

    I'm starting to think that mountaindew is HFC's secret alias. Oh, and IBTL. :)
  3. Blake

    What's Your Crazy Belief?

    I believe that someday, there will be world peace.
  4. Blake

    Gay Marriage

    Except that civil unions are only recognized in 4 states in the USA; and in only a handful of countries worldwide. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_union I don't really care about the title -- marriage, civil union, whatever -- but in my opinion, it's waaay past time we started giving...
  5. Blake

    Please, keep this thread civil - Republicans kill Senate jobless aid measure

    +1 My voting record is all over the map -- sometimes republican, sometimes democrat, depending on who's running, and what they stand for. I've reached the end of my patience with both parties, though, and I'll be very surprised if I can support either one of them again. It's time for a...
  6. Blake

    Obama Doing a Good Job

    Guarding against terrorism is one thing. Hating Muslims is another. I suppose if you were President, you'd corral all the Muslims up and shoot them?
  7. Blake

    Obama Doing a Good Job

    Oh, Ann Coulter! Her logic is always soooo compelling! Gosh darn it, now I'm convinced; hate really is the way. Silly, silly me for ever having thought otherwise. <sarcasm off> Hate has never solved anything.
  8. Blake

    Why Undocumented Migrants Have a Right to Work Here

    This is just the sort of rhetoric that demagogues, throughout history and world-wide, have used to gain support for the most horrible atrocities we've ever committed. It's time for us to grow up and leave our divisiveness behind.
  9. Blake

    Anti-Gay right wing christian activist caught with male prostitute

    Since you evidently feel so strongly about this issue, I'm sure you raise these theological concerns with your atheist friends and co-workers, too. And, gosh, probably bank tellers, grocery store checkers, bus drivers, police personnel, meter readers -- I'm sure the list of (atheist) people you...
  10. Blake

    The obfuscation of scale.

    Unless, of course, you're one of those 30,000 people. Then it would matter -- a lot. Let's suppose there were only one racist cop in the United States. Then, let's suppose you were a person of a different racial background than that cop, and were beaten within an inch of your life by that...
  11. Blake

    Anti-Gay right wing christian activist caught with male prostitute

    Read more closely. I never claim to know what causes sexual preference. There's no inference of causality there. No contradiction with the previous paragraph.
  12. Blake

    What if the Tea Party was Black?

    Yes. (obligatory white text inserted here in order to circumnavigate the minimum character requirement for posting) What if it were white people that were persecuted and silenced for standing up for their rights? Imagine...
  13. Blake

    glenn beck being a tard on net neutrality

    Try surfing the web in China. Then ponder the implications of losing net neutrality. Glenn Beck is one of the best justifications for the "off button" ever.
  14. Blake

    Anti-Gay right wing christian activist caught with male prostitute

    Anyone claiming to know what "causes" someone else's sexual preference is, at best, misinformed and mistaken; and at worst, an ideologue mired down in a most despicable hubris. Some people are born straight. Some are born gay. Some are born bisexual. Some are born asexual. Some have...
  15. Blake

    Tens of thousands across U.S. protest Arizona immigration law

    So, non-U.S. citizens shouldn't get due process when they're here? Really?
  16. Blake

    Time to Stop the Drug Law Madness

    When it comes to marijuana prohibition, I direct my more right-leaning friends and acquaintances (who usually espouse the "party line" pro-prohibition stance) to this piece: Link And here's another good one from our neighbors to the South: Link And then there's Norm Stamper: Youtube Link
  17. Blake

    Happy 4/20!

    Free download today (until midnight): Marijuana is Safer -- So Why are we Driving People to Drink? I downloaded it this morning and read a couple of chapters. It's a pretty good read. Have a happy day, everyone (whether you partake or not). ;) (oh, and sorry for the necro thread...)
  18. Blake

    Can one love humanity yet have a dislike for many people?

    Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have...
  19. Blake

    Limbaugh vows to leave US over health care

    ''The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.'' “Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?” [To an African American female caller]: “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.” Ok, now...