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  1. truebebeblue

    REAL eating disorder…

    you HAVE to know that people view those women with the same reaction they view fat women...YOU HAVE TO. True
  2. truebebeblue

    Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, etc. What do you LOVE there?

    I shop nearly exclusively at aldi BUT sometimes I need special things from TJs. I loooooove their chicken serenada. It's frozen and so good. Also the chicken gorgonzola and another indian variety they have but the Serenada is amazing... steam some rice or couscous and you have a bonefied...
  3. truebebeblue

    Okay, now I'm confused

    I think it relates to the dating of the pregnancy... Legal vs illegal abortion. Certain procedures can be done at different gestational stages like mechanical or non mechanical abortions then you come to later term abortions which are illegal past certain gestation. Basically they charge you...
  4. truebebeblue

    Natural remedies and cures for head lice?

    tea tree oil works... Get a bottle of cheap sauve shampoo,dump in a half the bottle of tea tree oil. Put it on your head and give it half an hour while you strip your bed and wash everything rinse and condition really well,then use a pin comb. My neice got lice years ago and we could not get rid...
  5. truebebeblue

    Plea to fat women

    I have to agree.I have been 500 lbs before and I know it can go to a dark painful place very easily so I personally worry for them. I think that quite a few of them have eating disorders and are calling it a fetish.I do not doubt that it IS a real fetish though.However I am of the thought that...
  6. truebebeblue

    Plea to fat women

    Most women are not cut out for the adult industry unfortunately they do not figure it out until they are already involved and further damage is done. You won't find self esteem that you are lacking and people tend to be able to feel your intention,if you are desperate (for love,attention,money)...
  7. truebebeblue

    Single and/or childless in your 30s

    I am actually not a single mom but I was prepared to become one if I hadn't met Seth.I would have stopped with 1 child I think. I'm just saying being married or not doesn't make you more or less capable sometimes it will even make you a BETTER parent. You're attention is no longer split on...
  8. truebebeblue

    Single and/or childless in your 30s

    I think the pressure to have children isn't as heavy for men as it is for women. Men make babies til they die. I haven't read anything that suggests 30 is the cut off date for healthy babies actually after 35 is when some genetic things become more likely but not imminent.I have a healthy...
  9. truebebeblue

    Was it really that offensive?

    If his telling is accurate I think they overreacted but unfortunately some fat women I have met tend to do this re: any mention of their weight or size.Most were in the BBW scene as well. Honestly They probably did you a favor maintaining friendships with people that sensitive/self conscious can...
  10. truebebeblue

    Miss Piggy as a BBW role model??

    I was miss piggy the first Halloween I dressed up and I still adore her... Ms. Piggy was the original fat dominatrix! HI_YAH! True
  11. truebebeblue

    Thyroid Questionaire

    Could be Hasimotos Toni which is autoimmune so you can flux between normal/hyper/hypo...
  12. truebebeblue

    Thyroid Questionaire

    I have hasimotos so my thyroid does crazy things.. in all my research I have found a few things out... The levels for normal have been update in recent years maybe last 5? TSH level should be .3 to 3 on TSH although some docs prefer you under 2. Until the update its was .5 to 5 that's a big...
  13. truebebeblue


    Best way to get rid of a skin tag is tie fishing line or thread tightly around base.. it will turn black and fall off within a weak..srsly.. doctors do this! when you break the skin you open yourself up to staph which lives all over everyone at all times. Staph/mrsa and cellulitus are no joke...
  14. truebebeblue

    Family Issues...

    I would tell them you understand their concern but hounding you makes you not want to be around them and you love them so please refrain.Direct and sure of yourself will do the trick.. don't cry or yell. Also I gave birth at over 350 lbs last year and if you look in the health forum under the...
  15. truebebeblue

    Have you ever had anyone envy you for being fat?

    yeah but just once this beautiful Indian girl I was friends with asked me what vitamins she could take to get fat like me.She was tall and very thin True
  16. truebebeblue

    Ideas to make my living space handsomerer

    there is an invention called temporary wallpaper as well... also wall decals.. google em both... some amazing things can be done.One of my fave decorating g site is apartment therapy. True
  17. truebebeblue

    What is your favorite chocolate treat?

    Ive been craving Chocolate Chess pie... Any of you have a good recipe? Found several online but looking for a sure thing hahah My aunt used to make one that was really simple but omg that partial gooey center the rest almost brownie mmmmmmmmm Need it! true
  18. truebebeblue

    Latest Food Discoveries - Share them here!

    Two New B&J flavours that Seth and I have discovered are Fair Goodness cake (German chocolate cake ) and Late Night Snack (has chocolate covered potato chips! and Jimmy Fallon on the package) Both are really good! There is one with whiskey flavour and salty caramel Im after next True
  19. truebebeblue

    Bariatric surgery doesn't help Fat people live longer - CNN

    The key in that article I think is older and severely obese.. You don't get severely obese overnight and by the time they did that is (possible) years of damage from whatever was ailing them to have surgery anyway...I think there are a lot of factors here... Someone suffering from diabetes for...
  20. truebebeblue

    Yoplait Pulls Ad Over "Eating Disorder" Issue

    Which could be "triggering" for people with CO but no one is pulling food porn off ... EVERYWHERE. Yoplait didn't want to lose the chronic dieters support which honestly has to have a strong overlap into the ED demographic. It was a business decision plain and simple,corporations do not care...