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  1. Artemisia

    Man dies from dieting

    As far as I can tell, he wasn't just vomiting, he was eating at a starvation-level and exercising in order to further restrict. And he utilized suggestions made by the recruiter to dehydrate himself and appear thinner by the scales. Besides, it doesn't appear that he was vomiting before he...
  2. Artemisia

    The Addicted to Food Series on Own

    Do not like the headless fatty shadow -- the headless fatty has become the symbol of the handwringer's 'obesity epidemic.' I also don't know how much of a fan I am of 'tough love' when it comes to diet, food, and eating disorders, especially given the media's recent obsession with torturing...
  3. Artemisia

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Thanks nyc and mel! :D Happy to be here :happy:
  4. Artemisia

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I'm working through a tough section in the novel (notes), and it's coming together after employing some alternative techniques. It's a gorgeous day in southern Massachusetts, we spread our lovely loam and seeded it for grass, and I'm having t-bone steaks with asparagus and baked potatoes for...
  5. Artemisia

    Your skinniest and fattest pics - Part 2!

    I don't think there are hard-and-fast rules for these designations. I'm 350 at 6' 0", and I don't consider myself a SSBBW; I'm fairly well-muscled, and while I experience stigma for my size it's nowhere near the kind of stigma many of my SSBBW friends receive. In other words, I can still...
  6. Artemisia

    Have you seen Fat photo booth app?

    I agree. The app plays on existing stigma; if the app were to be removed, the stigma would not diminish. It would just find other (of which there are plentiful) outlets.
  7. Artemisia

    What is your weight right now?

    6' 0" tall, 350 lbs. Love this body and want to keep it, but I wouldn't care if I was heavier or thinner, as long as I keep fit and energetic.
  8. Artemisia

    Weight Loss in the SA Movement

    Completely agreed. I know a few (not many, but a few) very solid fat acceptance allies who are currently either dieting to lose weight or are maintaining a lower weight than their setpoint. They're still awesome advocates. Weight loss -- and what goes into it -- was their own choice. They...
  9. Artemisia

    Your skinniest and fattest pics - Part 2!

    ^Thanks, S B L!
  10. Artemisia

    Weight Loss in the SA Movement

    ^I have to disagree, I've been in fat acceptance for a while and I don't think this 'general consensus' that fat is better in some way actually exists. If there are any general consenses in fat acceptance, they are: 1. Fat does not necessarily mean unhealthy 2. Fat bias and shame will not make...
  11. Artemisia

    Your skinniest and fattest pics - Part 2!

    ^I perhaps should have noted that first one was at an eating disordered weight - severe restriction (perhaps 1 meal every three days), and exercise compulsion (at least 2 hours hard cardio in the gym every day, and biked everywhere). As soon as I stopped dieting and brought my exercise to a...
  12. Artemisia

    Your skinniest and fattest pics - Part 2!

    Here's me in September 2006 (about 225 lbs - I'm 6' 0" tall, so I look very thin at that weight) -- Here's me last summer (about 350 lbs) --
  13. Artemisia

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Fun, will keep an eye on upcoming events! :) Great that there's so much to do for us in MA. I know some other regions must not be as lucky. And I'd love to mingle with BBWs/SSBBWs and FAs. Especially FAs. I can count all the FAs I've known in my life on one hand!
  14. Artemisia

    The show your face/introduction thread

    ^I haven't. I didn't know they existed until... well, joining this board a few days ago :blush: I'd be interested in going, at some point. I assume details crop up in the Events forum?
  15. Artemisia

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Well, you are cute, so get used to hearing it :) Nah, worrying over the future is WAY overrated. Enjoy yourself, enjoy being in school, taking classes that interest you, expanding your horizons -- you have the whole rest of your life to work away at some career or pursue some narrow...
  16. Artemisia

    Fat Stigma Spreads Around The Globe

    It is cute! At least, this time, they let us have heads. Hopefully someday it will be okay to have paid, smiling, willing super-size models, too. Baby steps. ;) As for the article, color me not surprised. Thankfully there are some countries where push-back is happening in the medical research...
  17. Artemisia

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Welcome to the board, Dan! Yeah, the second-year funk is definitely real, and definitely something I've heard about in the hard sciences. Mine was physics, and my second year for physics was actually my junior year (since I was an economics/philosophy major my freshman year and didn't do any...
  18. Artemisia

    Dream a little dream...

    Oh, Mama Cass! Love this song. I used to sing it in high school (up a few notes, her voice was a lot lower than mine). What a class act she was. This version's cool, too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpzB_Akopug&feature=related
  19. Artemisia

    Beauty and Truth

    I agree. Maybe it's the New Englander in me, but I ascribe to the "mind your own business" branch of personal philosophy. That is, do whatever you like -- love, have sex with, find repulsive, or be indifferent to whomever -- but keep your nose out of my business unless asked, and know when...
  20. Artemisia

    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    Thank you! :blush: Happy to be here. :D