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  1. Misha

    Health food magazine airbrushes skinny woman to look fatter

    Its safe to say pretty much all the photos in magazines have been retouched, photoshopped or airbrushed to get rid of wrinkles, scars, bulges, pimples, ribs, assymetrical features, etc. It makes us feel insecure about ourselves, but they spend a lot of money per page to push products.
  2. Misha

    When the hell did Obesity become a medical condition?

    They have medicalized everything! An active kid now has attention defecit disorder or adults who have a similar problem need therapy and amphetamines. People have pets who have been diagnosed with "depression". Restless leg syndrome.....does it really pose a health threat enough to be a...
  3. Misha

    Hawaii Anyone?

    Oahu. We have some big beautiful folks out here!!!:)
  4. Misha

    Chastity Bono makes decision to undergo SRS

    I have serious admiration for Chaz Bono. I have all the best wishes for him, and I think because he lives such a publicly scrutinized life that proprs go to him for bravery and honesty. I think he may have helped many people just rom his openess.
  5. Misha

    Swedish woman fears fat people

    Some people have clown fetishes and get off when their partner dresses like a clown, or better yet, has a job as a clown!!!
  6. Misha

    The HOTTER Boy Thread (aka: The Hot Boy Thread - The Sequel)

    Rutger Hauer........
  7. Misha

    Many sunscreens ineffective

    Sunscreens can damage skin, researchers find Filters in sunscreens that keep out ultraviolet radiation can generate compounds that attack skin cells, say UCR chemists --------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  8. Misha

    11-year old giving birth! True!

    I work post partum. We have new mothers on our floor not even into their teens. I took care of a ten year old who had a baby and her mother had to stay with the child and her infant at all times. Her mother (the baby's grandmother) had a baby herself the year before. THe grandma was under...
  9. Misha

    Will Obama hurt the chances for another black president?

    No wonder she is retiring from the talk show business. It will free her up to campagain. I don't think Obama is all that bad. He just has to clean up the mess he inherited from Junior Bush.
  10. Misha

    Many sunscreens ineffective

    I like zinc and titanium blends. Avobenzene and octycrylene,etc, break down on the skin in a couple hours. They degrade and that's why the labels say "re apply every two hours". Avobenzene lets ROS (reactive oxygen species) free radicals go below the level of the epidermis into the dermal layer.
  11. Misha

    What do you smell like?

    I just find garlic and grease nauseating. It smells like a damp gym. It's not racist, half my family is Chinese. And Marshallese and Polynesian aren't Asian. People here just have a penchant for garlic and frying things. And not bathing. Infact it is such an issue, it went to the State House...
  12. Misha

    What do you smell like?

    The Americans in Hawaii (mostly a mix of Filipino,Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Marshalese, Polynesian and White) smell like garlic and grease. Its nauseating. I smell like Gautier Man and soap. I wash my hair atleast twice a day with Axe.
  13. Misha


    FTM. Thick and muscular.