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  1. zapf

    I'm in Boston for a few days!

    I would suggest Harvard Sq. Best burgers in town (Mr.Bartleys), a couple of bakeries, like Cupcake. The candy store is there, as well as a Fire and Ice and Border Cafe if you like Mexican food. It's also fun to walk around and close to public transportation. (Not to mention I live less than a...
  2. zapf

    Feelings on Guy Tits?

    Where are all you people? I'm in Massachusetts with big man boobs (bigger than most girls I know) and they're not getting enough attention. :p
  3. zapf

    Who's coming to HB Memorial Day 2011?!

    So my life is just starting to calm down again and I was really looking forward to coming to another dance/event/thing but then life ate me up again. I'm going to be out of town for the weekend and I won't be able to make it. *sadface*
  4. zapf

    Girls That Like Big Guys Post Pics And Any Comments Here

    You are really cute. Then again, I guess I'm just a sucker for adorable girls with red hair.
  5. zapf

    Single, Attached, Looking?

    Very much single and... I've kinda given up looking. I probably shouldn't, but it hasn't gotten me anywhere yet.
  6. zapf

    Heavenly Bodies HALLOWEEN 2010!

    Well, while that helps me get there, that doesn't help with the fact that I would need to stay overnight and I can't really afford a hotel room.
  7. zapf

    Heavenly Bodies HALLOWEEN 2010!

    I would totally go, but alas, I'm broke and have no car and no way of getting there.
  8. zapf

    New York Comic Con

    Hey, I'm finally getting a chance to go to New York Comic Con next month (I'm helping a friend staff a booth there) and I was wondering if any of you lovely people are going.
  9. zapf

    Bhm moobs

    If you guys really want I'll post some pics. I'm kinda self conscious, though...
  10. zapf

    Where are YOU located?

    I have determined to come back to these here boards and start being active again. Oh. And I live outside Boston, MA.
  11. zapf

    Heavenly Bodies Dance- Sat Jan 17th

    I won't actually be able to go as a) I don't have a car for a while and b) I'll be downtown all weekend. I would go otherwise, though.
  12. zapf

    Heavenly Bodies Holiday Gala

    You didn't lose me, I've just taken most of today off since I was at a party tonight and I had work to do before said party. But on a side note, I had a great time, thanks you guys for making me go out there and introducing me to people.
  13. zapf

    Heavenly Bodies Holiday Gala

    So.... Yeah, I don't post very often here, that's partly because I'm pretty shy and I'm not good with coming up with things to say (which is also why I'm already rambling here). I've been beating myself up all week to push myself to go to the dance tomorrow night (tonight at this point) since...
  14. zapf

    I think since BHMs are gaining...

    So I tried to find some old shirts that were too small for me, but apparently I didn't bring any of them to my new place. :-/ I did, however, find the smallest shirt I had and tried to see if I could pop the buttons. Sadly, the 3XL shirt was just not small enough. So I gave it some help...
  15. zapf

    By popular demand! Small Shirts Themed Pictures!

    I apologize for the crappiness of the picture, and the flash that got in the way, but I found that I had a leftover shirt after an event and it was a size Large. As I haven't worn a Large in about a decade, I decided to try it on and see how it looked. Let me know what you guys think.
  16. zapf

    Japan / Nihon

    Hey, I'm studying abroad in Tokyo for the semester. I'll be here until August 1st. IM me on AIM sometime, my username is jsheena42
  17. zapf

    So gents, tell me a little about yourselves...

    Name: Josh, though people call me Sheena, as that's my last name (And yes, the Ramone's song, though about a woman, is my theme song) Something interesting about you: Hmm... *thinks for many minutes* I can speak Japanese... is that interesting? Age: 20 Favorite flavor cupcake: Any, as...
  18. zapf

    Equal time here people! How about some CHEST SHOTS?

    How's this?
  19. zapf

    Be a model for Laura's anime art!

    I'd love to help you out with your project... I don't know if I'm the best man for the job as my weight is not all my belly like most guys... But I want to help if I can.
  20. zapf

    Belly library (men/women)

    Now, I've posted here a couple of times before, but I couldn't resist a belly library thread. Here's my belly... I actually found a movie clip of me playing with my belly, if y'all wanna see it.