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  1. Jah

    Random health related "confessions"

    That is very medically ignorant.
  2. Jah

    Atheists Make Better Parents

    That's because you live in the US. It's not like that in all parts of the world.
  3. Jah

    Mens section?

    It would be nice if there was clothing for all sorts of shapes and sizes. My husband is a somewhat tall BHM and he is always having problems with shirts being too short. Most larger shirts will easily fit his width (except in the shoulders) but only go down to his belly button.
  4. Jah

    If you had the power to change your FA-ness...

    I'm an FFA and proud of it. Never would I want to change it. :)
  5. Jah

    Random health related "confessions"

    I didn't say she didn't have a right to concern. My opinion is: unless a person has a family history of mental illness that leads to them harming themselves (i.e suidcide) or harming others then it shouldn't be a problem. She mentioned schizophrenia (which genetically has a low rate of being...
  6. Jah

    Random health related "confessions"

    I didn't say I was upset with Loopy I said what lillie said was offensive. I was suggesting that a person worrying about having a schizophrenic kid is judgemental, which is what lillie by the way implied. I should have a right to have an opinion also.
  7. Jah

    Random health related "confessions"

    So if she had made a racist comment it would have been okay because it's a support thread?
  8. Jah

    The biggest plus size model ever to get a contract with a major modeling agency

    People should be able to eat whatever they want and be whatever weight they want. As long as they aren't killing themselves with starvation or eating to the point of death. I don't get why so many care that much about the way other people eat. Healthy or unhealthy, why should it matter?
  9. Jah

    Random health related "confessions"

    If medication didn't get rid of your suicidal tenancies then I feel sorry for you. I wasn't aware that someone could feel that bad even with strong medication. There are some people that do really well with treatment and I'm one of those. I must admit, as a schizophrenic I found her post to...
  10. Jah

    Random health related "confessions"

    Are you suggesting that you have experienced so much pain in your life that you wish you had never been born? I guess I understand your boyfriend's point of view more.
  11. Jah

    Atheists Make Better Parents

    Very true, I agree
  12. Jah

    The biggest plus size model ever to get a contract with a major modeling agency

    Sorry, I didn't know that she had done that. I think that trying to be healthy is a good thing but I don't care what people choose to do.
  13. Jah

    How much heavier to be a bbw?

    If you are overweight then yes you are a bbw. I don't understand why it would matter though. Be whatever you want to be. :)
  14. Jah

    Atheists Make Better Parents

    That article is doing a lot of stereotyping. I don't think religion necessarily makes a difference on parenting as some of the beliefs of religious people and atheists can be the same. I think the problem is more to do with the conservatives.
  15. Jah

    The biggest plus size model ever to get a contract with a major modeling agency

    How phelan defines being healthy is correct, according to the diabetes information books at least that I have. You can be fat and eat healthy and it won't necessarily make you lose weight. Also, everyone I know of that eats total crap has health problems. So what's so wrong with trying to be...
  16. Jah

    What's your favorite potato dish/

    So would I. I usually get jacket potatoes from fast food places and pick the ingredients from what they have available.
  17. Jah

    Any Other BHM's trying to lose weight?

    It would be good if there was a section of the board for weight loss like there is for weight gain. There would be rules of course so things don't go against size acceptance. The good thing about there being a weight loss section would be that it could be discussed in a way that is good to...
  18. Jah

    Any Other BHM's trying to lose weight?

    I've maintained a 10-15% weightloss for about a year now. Although I'd also done it for a few years before that. I spend very little time at my highest weight of 300lbs. Every time I end up there I usually start losing weight again straight away. I've had the most success with a mixture of...
  19. Jah

    Adding toppings to frozen pizza

    Tomato, mushroom and extra cheese. Yum :eat2: