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  1. HottiMegan

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I got lots of compliments while out and about this afternoon. I love my new shirt :D
  2. HottiMegan

    What Are You EATING right now?

    ice cream on a stick
  3. HottiMegan

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Stereotypically it's women that take forever to get ready to leave.. I can be presentable and clean and out the door in about 20 minutes.. less if a shower isn't involved. My husband on the other hand.. i have to tell him we're leaving 20 minutes earlier than when we actually have to leave the...
  4. HottiMegan

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Ask and ye shall receive..
  5. HottiMegan

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    I keep putting the tofu loaf off and am gonna actually do it today! I swear!! :D
  6. HottiMegan

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    I made tortilla pizzas.. put a layer of mozzarella cheese between two tortillas for the crust and then top as you would a regular pizza and bake. It turned out like a thin crust pizza. The boys both gobbled them up. We're low on groceries and i'm trying to get us through the weekend before...
  7. HottiMegan

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I'll try to get one tomorrow or Thursday. I'm wearing it to martial arts class Thursday. It's tee shirt and shorts month. (cuz uniforms are hot) This week's theme is Super Heroes, the Doctor is the closest to a super hero tee shirt i have! Next week is tie dye.. that, i have covered :)
  8. HottiMegan

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    tofu loaf and gratin potatoes for the grown ups. Pizzadillas and strawberry smoothies for the children.
  9. HottiMegan

    Question of The Day - July

    living room bedroom max's room microwave oven phone tablet Looks like 7 if you count the phone and tablet, cuz i do open them up for time only on a regular basis.
  10. HottiMegan

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    My Calvin & Hobbes/Doctor Who shirt finally arrived!
  11. HottiMegan

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    Ic i survived a martial arts class in a building with a swamp cooler and it was 119 degrees out! I got so dizzy at one point i had to sit down. I think i got dehydrated/over heated. I still did it. I'm sore enough to show for it too :D I'm set to go up a rank at the next graduation ceremony!!
  12. HottiMegan

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Spanish rice and beans.. I don't feel like heating up the house with a lot of cooking hooey.
  13. HottiMegan

    Let's see an OLD pic of you!

    I was 5 or 6 here. This is what i call my Laura Ingalls phase :)
  14. HottiMegan

    Question of The Day - July

    I am trying to make a major decision. It will be life altering and i am kind of afraid of approaching the decision.
  15. HottiMegan

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    The sadness and hurt overwhelms me sometimes.
  16. HottiMegan

    Unattractive Photos...

    Well, thank you :) I'll keep trying to find my unattractive photos though :)
  17. HottiMegan

    What did you buy today?

    Love that! I was just looking online for some polka dot fabric to make something VERY similar. (only with halter strap or some sort of straps)
  18. HottiMegan

    What did you buy today?

    sadly, my waist is too big. I have looked at plus size ones and they run for 60 bucks. I figure i can make my own at a fraction of the cost.
  19. HottiMegan

    What did you buy today?

    Took advantage of Avenue's 5, 10, 20, 30 sale with free shipping. This dress was one i've been wanting and was in the clearance bin.. it was on "clearance" for $25 but i used my 30% off coupon on it. $5 dollar shades! I love bracelets but have so few:
  20. HottiMegan

    Unattractive Photos...

    Okay, this HAS to be ruled as pretty darn ugly... or this...