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  1. loveembig

    renee teresa scarfa+ashley gonzalez segovia

    Where did you get the info from? My guess is that the 1800 is a typo and it's most likely 800.
  2. loveembig

    Worlds worst diet fad? [news]

    What can I say? Pure unadulterated idiocy and nothing more. I really fear for the fate of the human race as it appears that all the stupid people are breeding with abandon.
  3. loveembig

    Breathtaking Aretha in London pic

    I’m probably going to catch hell for this but let’s be serious for a moment people. Aretha is an amazing talent, Aretha looks damn good for a 70 year old woman but Aretha has fashion sense that scares most people. Face it she could look a lot better if she would just acquire a serious boulder...
  4. loveembig

    Fat Nightmares

    While I’ve never had a fat nightmare myself, my ex girlfriend used to have them quite often. They usually involved not being able to fit through a door or being trapped in a somewhat confined space like a restaurant booth with other not so fat friendly people. Unfortunately for her nightmares...
  5. loveembig

    CNN - 911 fat call

    Exactly. :cool:
  6. loveembig

    CNN - 911 fat call

    I know I’m going to get crucified for this but I’m sorry, this was a blatant example of abuse of the 911 system. It ranks right up there with the woman that called 911 because McDonalds was out of chicken nuggets. 911 is for emergencies people; NOT to report people for obnoxious behavior...
  7. loveembig

    Asst. Coroner has tow truck drag SSBBW's body from home-in front of family

    The truly baffling part of this whole tragedy is that the county has the proper equipment to deal with these types of situations. In fact several days earlier they moved a deceased individual who weighed at least 800lbs without resorting to the use of a flatbed. I have no idea what could have...
  8. loveembig

    Our Community Loss - Cindy G.

    My sympathies to the family and friends of Cindy. I don't visit here as often as I once did, so I am only now learning of this tragedy. I was truly shocked to hear of this and words cannot come close to describe this loss. Although I never met Cindy and I only corresponded with her a few times...
  9. loveembig

    Too Fat to F&$#?

    Truer words have never been spoken.
  10. loveembig

    We Ate The Pounder

    The next time your in Jersey You might want to check out Clinton Station Diner right off Rt. 78 in Clinton NJ. You won't believe the size of the burgers they serve. The Mount Olympus is a 50 pounder and if your not that hungry try the Zeus, it's only a 7lb burger. :eat2...
  11. loveembig

    Sad secret on post secret this morning.

    What an IDIOT! But I do find the childlike scrall interesting :blink: . Loveembig
  12. loveembig

    The Details Article on Feeders and FA's, The pic. Enjoy.

    I like that. More people should give it a try. Regards Loveembig
  13. loveembig

    A Fun Art Blog

    Derrick, I just got wind of your blog a short time ago and I have to say I’m impressed. Your work is amazing. I especially like the way you play with the lighting in many of your drawings. The one that really comes to mind is “Midnight Snack” you caught the refrigerator lighting perfectly. So...
  14. loveembig

    Thought I'd share!

    Nice work, they really have a nice flow and they seem to capture your essence quite well. They seem to be a classic example of how the subject matter can enhance the artist’s talent. Thanks for sharing, Loveembig :cool:
  15. loveembig

    Muffin Top

    Only sometimes? We miss it all the time :smitten: Thanks Loveembig:cool:
  16. loveembig

    This woman is really religious, crazy and scary

    Given the choice of living with that crazy ass bitch or wacking myself in the crotch with a rubber hammer, I would take the rubber hammer. I swear her voice could cut down trees. Waking up next to that everyday, in my opinion, would be as close as it could get to eternal damnation. :eek:
  17. loveembig

    A question about Double chins

    Exactly. Double chins just come with the territory. A nice double chin just adds to the appeal of the fuller figured women's rounder, fuller face. Lets face it, most FAs like larger women for their extra curves and softness, a double chin tends to enhance that perception.:cool: