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  1. Tam

    Your skinniest and fattest pics - Part 2!

    aW Thanks guy.. I don´t know why, but my belly is getting bigger...:eat1::doh:
  2. Tam

    Your skinniest and fattest pics - Part 2!

    who look great?:wubu:
  3. Tam

    How much did you gain last year?

    Oh, i have gained like 20 pounds. :doh:
  4. Tam

    Random FOODEE Thoughts and Confessions

    :smitten:I Ate too much of fattened food, and after that, slept a loooong nap.
  5. Tam

    What about "smaller" bbw?

    Im some pounds over your weight, and May be i look fatter because i have a big belly. But i think most FA preffer SSbbw.
  6. Tam

    What is your highest adult weight?

    I havent aited myself recently, but one month ago i was 220!
  7. Tam

    Your skinniest and fattest pics - Part 2!

    HereYou can see even better my belly:)
  8. Tam


    thank you guy!
  9. Tam


    Thank you Adamantoise!
  10. Tam

    Your skinniest and fattest pics - Part 2!

    Thank you Natasfan!
  11. Tam

    Your skinniest and fattest pics - Part 2!

    Food did my belly really good! lol
  12. Tam

    Your skinniest and fattest pics - Part 2!

    Hello Natasfan. I am eating all the day, so its impossible not to gain weight. I have been gaining weight during the last year. Since 2008 i started to eat hat i want when i want, and thats why i got that belly. I lOve eating, and that´s all.
  13. Tam

    Your skinniest and fattest pics - Part 2!

    Here is not the skinniest, but is like a "before and after". IN WHICH ONE DO YOU THINK IM FATTER? Lol... ThOSE Pics have been taken with 2 monthes of difference.
  14. Tam


    i m not welcome here:( lol
  15. Tam

    Random FOODEE Thoughts and Confessions

    nice topic. I am going to eat in Mc Donald´s for third time in 7 days, TONIGHT.
  16. Tam


    Just wanted to say hello. Im new here, however i have been reading during the lasts monthes. Im Tam, im 18 years old, living in Miami. As you can see in the pic, i have a big belly, that`s because i love food. Lol. I ll be posting in the others threads. BYE.