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  1. B

    The Merged Thread About Trayvon Martin

    I wonder why the community didn't do a background check on him,plus why didn't the police step forward and tell someone that they had picked the wrong man for the job...He probably slept very little so he could be "Johnny Law" for his community..He is off his rocker for reporting a child..
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    The Merged Thread About Trayvon Martin

    I hate the fact they are trying to drag that poor kid's name through the mud and make it seem like Zimmerman was a saint..Plus Zimmerman had the kid by at least 75lbs and probably a couple of inches and he got his ass kicked by Trayvon? Something sounds fishy and I will be glad when the FBI...
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    Women Should ‘Watch An Abortion Being Performed’ Prior To Having It? WTF?

    The women I know that have had abortions do mourn,some for many years..It hurts them as much as a miscarriage..So you really can not say they do not mourn..
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    The Merged Thread About Trayvon Martin

    He should have lost it the moment he was arrested for his other crimes..Plus he should have never been allowed on neighborhood watch with all of his bogus 911 calls..
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    The Merged Thread About Trayvon Martin

    We have the "Stand Your Ground","Make My Day" law here but you can not go around shooting innocent people and get away with it..When I took the carry conceal class a few weeks ago the instructor was very clear that if your victim did not have a weapon (gun,tire tool,bat,pipe or etc) then you...
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    the run on gun purchases

    You should ask the National Guard members that fired on the protestors at Kent State why they shot and killed unarmed college students..It has happened and I would expect it to happen again..
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    I use to take 50mg of Trazadone a night for over a year and it helped at first..I guess my body got use to it because now it doesn't work for me..Right now I take 2 Tylenol Pms at night to sleep and I get at least 6 hours of sleep with them.. auntiemoo is right if you have early onset...
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    Limbaugh's Views of Women

    Deli you do not seem to understand that most women control the purse strings..They are the one that pick what brands to buy..I would say if most of these women are pissed off at Rush and his bs then the companies that do advertise with him will lose revenue...
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    Limbaugh's Views of Women

    Got her for y'all!
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    Limbaugh's Views of Women

    Woohoo bigmac that is the truth!
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    Wisconsin Bill wants to declare single parenthood child abuse

    I am really not that negative bigmac,it is that my children mean the world to me and it would have killed me if I was responsible for something happening to them...I was raised in a blended family and neither one of my parents were bad step-parents so I know there are millions out there that are...
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    I am disgusted

    This! Angel is right!
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    Wisconsin Bill wants to declare single parenthood child abuse

    As a single Mom I have got to say this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard..I guess it would be better to marry whom ever and pray they 1) do not molest your children,2) kill your children or 3) kill you and your children..Case in point,a 16 year old had been raised by her Grandmother for...
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    I am disgusted

    Most men aren't..You just have those few that are and right now they seem to be the ones wanting to push these stupid bills through Congress.. My Dad was a very liberal man..He believed everyone carried their own weight in this world and that men and women should be treated equal..Surprising...
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    I am disgusted

    Oh I understand that this is an attempt to making Obama a 1 term president,I get that..It still pisses me off that instead of fighting for what is right they want to mess with women's health issues.. Personally I see them burying themselves even deeper into the little hole they have dug..
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    I am disgusted

    In all my years this year has been the worse attack on women and women's rights that I have ever seen..Even during women's lib it was not this bad,nor during Roe vs Wade..For some reason some men think they need to be in ever part of a woman's life! Before long they are going to have meters in...
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    Limbaugh's Views of Women

    Deliman here is the definition of rape.. Rape: noun, verb, raped, rap·ing. noun 1. the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse. 2. any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person. 3. statutory rape. 4. an act of...
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    Limbaugh's Views of Women

    Deli you didn't even call it sexual harassment..You implied it was rape.. It does not matter that he was her boss,she could have still said no..She wanted her 15 minutes of fame but didn't realize it was going to come at such a high price.. Here I thought in the eyes of the law ever woman...
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    Limbaugh's Views of Women

    It is a game of power..If the man makes all the money then he thinks he has the right to control ever aspect of the woman's life,from where she goes,to who her friends are..Plain and simple it is all about the power..It doesn't matter if an extra income would help..To men like that it is...