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    what is your reputation?

    Closeted creep.
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    Susan Boyle on Britain's Got Talent.

    My mom actually turned me on to this, of all people. She's always been fat-phobic, and fairly hard on people's appearances in general. Maybe old age is mellowing her out. Here's the message she sent with the link: There is something to be said for true reality and this Scottish woman is it...
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    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

    A young priest gets lost in a bad part of town. A hooker goes up to him and says, "25 bucks for a quickie, Father!" He says no thanks, but a few minutes later another hooker says "Come on, Father - quickies, 25 bucks!" He shakes her off too and later, on the road back home, he runs into the...
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    Climate change questioned after 2008 tipped to be coolest year of the century

    As the year we got rid of George Bush, I'd say 2008 was indeed the coolest.
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    BBW and weight gain in the movies

    That was a great scene - very realistic makeup and effects! This should really replace the Willy Wonka Violet Beauregard scene as foremost in the WG canon.
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    BBW and weight gain in the movies

    You guys talking about "The Honeymoon Killers"? Great movie.
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    Your worst moments with the opposite sex

    "It's been real."
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    Matzo brei

    Ooh - my mom used to make the greatest... I'll hit her up!
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    FREE Cinnabon Tax Day Special! 8^D

    Had one at a highway food court once when desperate... yeah, they smell better than they taste, and may be the densest single food item on earth. Four in the trunk would significantly help traction in an ice storm.
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    Are you finishing the food of others?

    The GF and I used to have a ritual where I'd be done with my meal just as she was pushing her half-eaten plate away, at which point I'd descend like a plague of locusts. Last couple years though her appetite is about equal to mine. Which from an FA perspective is lose a few, win a few. And who...
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    FA/FFA Where Do you Live?

    I've always contended the Mason Dixon line runs along Market Street in Philadelphia because south of that the diners serve grits with eggs.
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    musicians who are confirmed FAs

    Nah... I recorded a couple of so-so demos on casette and CD that I should really burn, though my last band played CBGB as its swan song (we're talking 1997) and I finally got a good DAT off their board. I've wanted to post it for years but can't seem to put myself in a room with a tape player...
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    musicians who are confirmed FAs

    Freddie Mercury (who, like Moz, never actually came out) is also a fat hag contender. Fat Bottom Girls being Exhibit A, and also a video Queen did for a song I can't remember where he sexed up a hot black BBW, among other stuff.
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    musicians who are confirmed FAs

    I was in hobby bands back in the 90s... Supergroup!
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    Pig-Feeder Gets Probation

    In lieu of that, I think it was just posted as a bizarre story that has to do with weight gain, not an endorsement.
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    Makeshift kitchen tools---yours?

    I'm just sayin, you got brownies, I'm there.
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    Regular Fa's V's Fa's with a twist?

    It's two different impulses. What you're saying makes sense in a relationship (FA or non-) but when we dive into men's ids via erotica, the comfort of their partner goes out the window - alongside their partners most of the time. I'm not saying all FAs are into WG, by the way. Just that a...
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    When Death Comes

    I realize this was supposed to be a thread about grieving and I want to respect that, but it took a weird turn and I felt I had to comment. The tendency to judge really has to be checked. It just seems like prejudice is out of control in our society these days, even as racism, homophobia...
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    Makeshift kitchen tools---yours?

    You got brownies?
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    Regular Fa's V's Fa's with a twist?

    I've always suspected most FAs have wg tendencies, and not even necessarily based on specific weight preferences. I've been slapped for suggesting such here on Dims, but that's still my hunch. FA erotica says it all: most sites/mags/vids/etc feature gaining-related material, be it eating...