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  1. A

    Pig-Feeder Gets Probation

    Was that an Alford plea, or an "Alfred" plea? (Oh shit, just cracked myself up there.)
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    Makeshift kitchen tools---yours?

    That's funny - I had no spatula last year while grilling and used a spackle knife! Back when I was in school, art supplies sometimes did double-duty as straws, stirrers, cutting utensils, etc. Most of the time I was in school we had like one fork in our kitchen and that was it. Also, crossing...
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    musicians who are confirmed FAs

    The thinner, less talkative member of Insane Clown Posse came out on Howard Stern a while ago. They'd made a video where he fools around with a supersized woman and the other insane clown brought it up to ridicule him during the interview. The FA insane clown was like, "Hey, whatever, I was into...
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    Regular Fa's V's Fa's with a twist?

    I'm into feeding, immobility, and other twisty FA-related stuff. I don't encourage or advocate those things, and don't interact online with people who do (at least directly), as I'm not really comfortable advocating or encouraging them. So the big issue I have is that while I don't mind people...
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    Still MORE worst traits about BBW---pick one!

    One more: They're friggin' everywhere, distracting me from working, eating, sleeping, breathing.
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    FA Guilt

    After a lifetime of being bombarded with messages that say fat=bad, it is beyond most people's powers of skepticism not to have internalized them to some degree. So as an FA, the rest of the world is saying "you like something bad." Compound that with a partner who may be ambivalent about their...
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    FA Guilt

    I guess I'm with the girls here on this one. While I don't deny that being fat can have ill effects on health, what good has ever been done saying, "I find you attractive as a fat person but I know for your own good you should be smaller." We as FAs may have some role in encouraging women to get...
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    How were you in "the closet?"

    I think it was just about keeping my mouth shut when I was around fatphobia, or not stating my preference openly when, say, talking about "hot" girls with friends. I never let it influence who I dated, and the flak I caught in high school was minimal. Now I let certain people in on it, when...
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    POLL: do your parents approve or disapprove?

    My mom is pretty fat-phobic but always was well-behaved when I brought a fat girlfriend home. Then again, I think if I got serious with a BBW at some future point I'd hear about it from her, in some way. My dad is more open-minded. My steps, I don't give a shit what they think.
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    FAs and being thin

    I've always had this ideal in my mind of thin man/fat woman even though I've always been on the chunky side. Funny thing is I managed to lose 30 pounds and start getting in shape only when I came close to embracing my plumpness a few years ago. I've got a fairly big frame so thinness ain't gonna...
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    No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency on HBO

    Annoying as it may become, her accent and phrasing is dead-on. I live in a nabe with lots of African immigrants and that's how they talk. I love it - really formal but friendly and benign (rather than the passive-aggressive formality you get when, say, a cop or teacher talks to you). When they...
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    BBW and weight gain in the movies

    Yeah, 'Strange Fruit' would have been a slightly different movie! The masturbation scene was kind of played for laughs, but I also found it highly erotic, and shocking in the best possible way. I honestly don't remember ever seeing a scene showing such realistic female masturbation in a non-porn...
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    Watcha doin on Easter?

    Betraying Jesus to the Romans.... oh wait, no, that's today.
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    Dear Food

    Dear Pizza in Hoboken, I remember you as being much better. You disappointed me yesterday. Sincerely, Tres
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    BBW and weight gain in the movies

    "Soft Fruit" - I mentioned it as part of my FA film festival earlier. Good movie, with a very realistic depiction of complicated family dynamics. Most summaries make it sound like it's gonna be sappy and melodramatic, but it's not, because the characters are so realistic and well-drawn. It's...
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    Dear Food

    Dear Organic Crunch-n-Munch-like-product I bought at Whole Foods the other night, This isn't about you, it's me. You know I like you. I mean, I love you - your caramel sweetness with a touch of salt, the little crunchy bits, how easy you are to eat. I love you a lot - too much - and that's the...
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    BBW and weight gain in the movies

    I was waiting for Sir Richard to just say sod it and get into porn. Seemed like a logical step. After spending way too much in XXX places in the 80s and early 90s only to get tapes I couldn't get through 15 minutes with, I eventually figured out I hate porn in general. When I'm getting my...
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    No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency on HBO

    Yeah, well-acted, well-written, but I just don't need that shit right now. I turned it off after 15 minutes. Funny that I only want to bum out with my "entertainment" when things are peachy!
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    BBW and weight gain in the movies

    Wow, what sort of payperview is that? I was in a hotel room alone a few weekends ago and searched through the "adult" options without much hope. There were a few things that had the word "supersized" in the title, but were illustrated with skinny models! I didn't want to pay my $10 and then have...
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    Insurance Policies without BMI limitations?

    Yeah, you've got it. Sorry for the (partial) misinfo, and good luck. We're all in the same leaky boat til someone makes healthcare a priority in this country.