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  1. A

    Paysites and relationships

    There's a legal definition and a popular definition, so yeah, we may never know! The word "fetish" also may never be resolved in these parts, for the same reason.
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    Paysites and relationships

    I agree guys who go for the measuring, weighing, eating aspects of your site are fetishists. Those who just like looking at you find you attractive and sexy, which you are. There's no doubt a lot of crossover between the two - I know I represent both aspects of FAdom - but I don't think we're...
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    Paysites and relationships

    I was pointing out that exploitation and abuse exists in many industries and occupations, and that calling out the sex industry for these things is unfair to the subject at hand. Is porn by nature exploitative or abusive, or just an industry that happens to contain a huge amount of exploitation...
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    Paysites and relationships

    As it is, she's fairly modest and somewhat self-conscious, but honestly, I'd have no problem if she did. I think the exception would be outright prostitution, because I'd fear for her health and safety. But the IDEA of her sleeping with other men doesn't disturb me, except that I'd fear that...
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    Paysites and relationships

    I think the ultimate anti-feminist position to take is that women are too incompetent to be trusted to use their bodies properly. Porn, strip clubs, and prostitution are indeed dominated by men. So are banks, advertising agencies, fast food chains, and all of the world's political systems. And...
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    molecular gastronomy meets molecular biology

    I caught amoebic dysentery once, but it was a year before the Fat Duck opened, and I was in Mexico at the time. Amazing how toxic Blumenthal's food is!
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    molecular gastronomy meets molecular biology

    Oops. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/07/world/europe/07fatduck.html
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    Steak cooked in water and oil!!???

    I realize Brits do things kinda different (pies with organs in them... marmite...), but that sounds friggin' bizarre. Oil and water frying on a stovetop sounds like a one-way ticket to the "kitchen injuries" thread. Buy really good steaks (it's the guy's birthday, after all), pat them dry, rub...
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    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Throughout the month of January, tumbleweeds roll lazily across my desk as I prepare the noose and/or the welfare application. Then, suddenly the phone starts ringing and the email starts dinging and I'm busy but the rest of my life begins to completely fall apart.
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    Kitchen injuries---war stories?

    Oh my god, this is really, really bad. Tongue burns are horrible - you're lucky you can still taste anything. We have a new winner. Thanks everyone for playing.
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    She's fairly cool with it, like I said not the jealous type at all. She points out enough guys as "hot" who don't look a thing like me, and I really don't care about that, either. Well, I'm not quite on here every day (except lately in keeping track of this thread) and my involvement in the...
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    Yes, yes, and yes. I don't feel fully comfortable expressing the FA side of myself to my partner because it makes her feel inadequate. And expressing it to the rest of the world can also draw her into it, because of the comparisons that have been cited - "Oh really? Then explain why your...
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    decadent desserts

    Hey, listen, some people just really, really dig trifle. I can relate. There's a place here in NYC in the Village called Cowgirl Hall of Fame that has a signature dessert, a thing called an "ice cream baked potato." They take a potato-sized and -shaped hunk of vanilla ice cream and roll it in...
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    Nat'l Pancake Day! FREE I.H.O.P. pancakes Feb 24 7am to 10pm!

    They can keep 'em. One of the worst food experiences I've had in the past 5 years was visiting an IHOP out of nostalgia and being served the alien nourishment pods they're passing off as food. Me and the GF were ravenous at the time and we left most of it on the table and wound up at the diner...
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    BBW art at orlando art Show in February...

    That's a great image - congrats on getting into the show and making the sale. As an artist, you have to keep in mind you're never, ever gonna have control of what people perceive in your work. That's the fun, and also the horror of it.
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    The thread went into tangents I hadn't intended nor anticipated, but that's the way this place works. But, yeah, obviously very few people are totally open with their sexuality, and that makes sense. Being "intimate" isn't just being dirty - it's sharing something unique between you and another...
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    I really do know people with a surprising range. I know others who only seem to date clones of the last person they dated. Race and class could be about social pressure, or could be just what someone is comfortable with on a personal level. It baffles me when I hear about a long-term couple...
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    Yes - absolutely. But I think fewer guys are hardwired for a certain type than is generally given credit.
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    I think more guys are capable of this than you know. It's social pressure that stops them from acknowledging it, and acting on it.
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    You know, you'd think in a thread this long and involved there wouldn't be much ground left to cover, but then....