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  1. A

    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    Trust me, I had my laugh when you were trying to define who's an FA and who isn't, HUAC style.
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    Our circumstances differ, to put it mildly, but that was my point. If it comes up in conversation, I don't hide. And I think there's a huge gap between keeping my mouth shut in neutral situations and where there's fat bashing going on, where I don't. I can imagine a situation where admitting one...
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    Yeah - I didn't bother to read the OP or much of anything else in that thread either but swooped in anyway with my snarkomatic© dumb opinion too! ROTFLMAO! :bow::)
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    Yup. You didn't read my post either. Awesome!
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    I wouldn't have said this a dozen posts ago, but now that you mention it, yeah, you're totally right.
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    I totally understand this. It's weird to me too. My partner is someone I love and yes, I too can't completely reconcile her with things I feel otherwise, though I feel like it needs to be done to live my life. It's uncharted territory, and an issue in my life I'm trying to attack head-on and not...
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    Um, right... it's one or the other. Problem or not. Good and evil. With us or against us. Good FAs and scumbags. Nor to post 27 times within if you're actually getting nothing out of them.
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    My OP was about being silent in certain situations, where I don't declare my FAhood though I should. I'm not asking for permission to be with a thin person, nor do I care what anyone thinks of it, here or anywhere else. One has nothing to do with the other. I was asked, separately, if my...
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    But I do, and I said that. I don't allow fat bashing. I tell people I'm an FA. I have friendships with fat women. I dated fat women before I met my current partner. I like puppies and flowers. I asked am I being dishonest in not telling certain - certain - people I'm an FA because it can be...
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    I'm saying fetishizing is a universal male sexual trait, and there's not much you or I can do to change that. Violence seems to be a universal human trait, I don't apologize for that either. I don't mind if people disagree with me - I just want it to be about what I write, not what I represent.
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    It seems to me like my posts here are like a rorschach test for whatever people have on their minds above and beyond - quite far beyond - what the words actually say, but that's life on the internet. I keep rereading my stuff wondering what I'm missing, but it's like finding shapes in clouds...
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    Wow, this fantasy closet FA you guys have constructed is a real asshole. But please, keep going, and keep posing nude for him, writing your fantasies for him, hating him. Seems like a far less healthy outlet than mine, though.
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    Bacon grease: is there any food it can't improve?

    I can't really cook, but one of my few specialties is a bacon grilled cheese sandwich. I cook the bacon, then assemble the sandwiches and cook them in the grease. I ate a pound of bacon last weekend. Cooked the whole package up for the two of us, GF didn't feel into it (I know) so I just...
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    Betsy Sighting?

    I watched it 3 times before I got it. The scene in question goes by so fast you have to be Bowie in Man Who Fell to Earth to see it the first time, but she is there, and really does look a lot like Betsy. But yeah, the show looks fucking horrendous.
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    CORALINE: The Movie

    Totally psyched to see this. I worked on some ancillary stuff for the movie over the summer and so got to see a lot of the early behind-the-scenes materials that whet my appetite (yes, be jealous). The Ray Harryhausen stop-motion films I saw when I was a kid were some of the most profoundly...
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    No, I don't. She's aware I'm an FA though, and when she's seen "Dimensions" in my history or whatever I tell her it's a porn site. If she's gotten curious and poked around further, I haven't heard about it. We have an easygoing relationship, neither of us are jealous types. So I guess, yeah...
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    I use Dimensions as a place to work out issues with people who understand where I'm coming from, FAs closeted and un-, and the fat women they like, or fetishize. That's what I interpret the site to be about. If I misunderstood the purpose of this site, please have me barred, because I may offend...
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    Closeted Fa's.

    I think the site is balkanized enough already - another board for FAs would really get out of hand. What's the point of the site if no one is interacting, just hanging out with wholly like-minded people? "Closeted FAs" is gonna be dark by nature (as closets tend to be), and I think most...
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    Will do. Two's better than (n)one.
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    ambivalence as an |un|closeted fa

    Not what I'm saying at all. Chopping my post apart makes your point but destroys mine. Sort of why certain movies' ads say, "...terrific!..." when they're not. Obviously you see the word "closet" in any post and make up your mind based on that regardless of what is said within. You took a poster...