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  1. M

    FFAs and nerd - lovers--why the correlation?

    Hmmmm I can dismantle and build a pc... amongst other things - does that make me a geek? :batting: I'm a (smallish) ffa, but certainly a submissive one, if not submissive then I'd say non-dominant... :doh: I can't believe I found out the courage to type all this out... :wubu:
  2. M

    And so it goes.

    Try to analyse the situation - what is it that you dislike? Being hairy or having a belly? You could be hairy with a belly. Not hairy with a belly. Not hairy with no belly........ At the end of the day it's the way you'd be comfortable most which will be you at most confident and hence...
  3. M


    Hmmmm for some reason the quick reply button is not working? We have the same problem in summer. Luckily there's not much grass and woods around to burn in my country. But when some fields get ablaze it's terrifying for an island just 37km long at its widest point. Right now I miss the heat...
  4. M

    More Pics From The Dance/Weekend

    Is that you in the red dress? Very beautiful! Thanks for the pictures. I wish there were similar get-togethers in my country too...
  5. M

    A butt pix thread!

    That was cute of you. :happy: Thanks! But I can't believe... 130 views on this thread and only one lil butt for us ffa's? :confused: Guys you're soooo shy! Awwww c'mon! :kiss2:
  6. M

    A poll---quit posting about loving fat, or continue?

    You forgot to put the poll here too.... LMAO!
  7. M

    A poll---quit posting about loving fat, or continue?

    I love your posts too. I mentally translate them to apply for the opposite sex.
  8. M

    A butt pix thread!

    How about some good eye candy as a little xmas present for us ffa's? Recently I saw a similar thread in another forum, I don't remember which... but it turned out to be a 'face' thread... and also it was mostly skinny guys. Now I don't have anything against skinny guys, but just like you guys...
  9. M

    Great News-update

    YAY I'm so glad hearing of your improved health and mobility! Keep it up, work on strengthening those muscles girl so we'll see you up and around soon! :)
  10. M

    smokin' hot girlfriend corset pics

    Sorry I just butted in - Dan your gf is magnificent, bet a lot of guys are jealous and rightly so. I'd be if I was bi. I'm having doubts if I continue to see such magnificent photos here I might become one... But the reason I butted in the thread was because I was drinking a glass of wine and...
  11. M

    Help desperately needed for one of our own!

    Hi Lexi! How are you? I noticed your last update in this thread was nearly 3 months ago... got me worried, hope you're OK and better than the last time you posted here! Or hopefully I missed an update. Huggles, Mercedes :)
  12. M

    BHM in Vegas

    Hi! Welcome to the forum! :)
  13. M

    NO I am not high all you Hippy FFAs ;) (Pics!!)

    Oh.... thanks for the info. Hmmm... that was very justified. MID is bad...
  14. M

    NO I am not high all you Hippy FFAs ;) (Pics!!)

    Yuanshu banned? :confused: *cries* Obviously I'm not a mod and so I have no say but this made me so sad. He's such a nice gentleman, to me he was at least. :doh: sob
  15. M

    NON Anonymous Crush Thread-Fess Up People :p

    Bigwideland :smitten:
  16. M

    Picture of me...

    Very stylish lady!
  17. M

    'Normal' Fattening Foods?

    Olive oil is healthy. And tastier than normal vegetable oil. And good for the heart too. Healthy choices also include fatty fish, like salmon... lots of it :) Plenty of calories!
  18. M

    First posting... question?

    Welcome to Dimensions! You've found the correct place to share and rant! Huggles.
  19. M

    When dating a NON-FA ...

    :blink: that wasn't so kind in my opinion...
  20. M


    I think you misunderstood me. It never entered my mind their being asked to leave or something. I just was agreeing with Lara that it'd be nice having a "weight board" for the BHM...