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  1. paintsplotch

    BBW Confessions thread

    i c i sometimes wonder if i think too much on love and my hope of finding someone. i also hope i am not thoroughly annoying to those who read my posts as i am often not so very quiet about my wish for a companion. so my apologies if i annoy.
  2. paintsplotch

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    omg... im dying! DYYYYING! bwahahahahaha!!! giggles.... omg i have to get my crochette hooks out!
  3. paintsplotch

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    me loveth you for this!!!:wubu:
  4. paintsplotch

    so, i'm back

    if shes a mean nurse, just eat beans prior to every visit :)
  5. paintsplotch

    BBW Confessions thread

    suckfest chickie. ive been in similar situations...... its a painful lesson. i wish you luck and have fun and smile like crazy when you hand in your resignation. :)
  6. paintsplotch

    traveling for love

    ive done LDR. they arent easy.... my personal experience was that i did alot of the work and communicating but didnt get much in return. ive always been willing to do what it takes for the right person.... but i find as i get older, and my responsibilities to my family become more of a...
  7. paintsplotch

    BBW Confessions thread

    OOOOOOHHHH do tell!
  8. paintsplotch

    random writings..

    time for something different..... i like to write.... so sometimes i am going to post some of my randomness on here.... feel free to join in. :) Like a stubborn child with a favorite toy Clouds move in to steal our joy To hold off sunlight and keep spring at bay We watch the...
  9. paintsplotch

    What's Your BBW Fantasy?

    everything you wrote rings true for me..... i find myself nodding at it all and couldve written it myself but you just saved me the time .... thank you :)
  10. paintsplotch

    Your first orgasm...

    wow.... me too...... i thought i was just weird or sumthing. i often wonder if somehow i am just incapable? very few men though are willing to even TRY to help me out .... i generally have to do it myself. as for when i first started experimenting..... hmmm.... i was about 13 ish...
  11. paintsplotch

    Your first orgasm...

    i waited ....and waited....... and waited...... till i was 29 1/2......... and then had my first bf/kiss/sexual encounter........ but no vowell. for me i was a late bloomer. but once that switch was turned on.... :eek: mostly because i want more than FWB, i end up taking care of...
  12. paintsplotch

    BBW Confessions thread

    sniffles...... i am so very sorry. it seems so many people around me are losing loved ones. its just aweful. i am just so sorry. i send you big hugs and lots of loving thoughts. he is with you now always.... its just such a damned shame lives are cut so very short before their time.:(
  13. paintsplotch

    Recent epiphanies anyone?

    hahaahahahah! omg i love you.... lol.... you made my day!!! :wubu:
  14. paintsplotch

    BBW Confessions thread

    IC that as usual i am intensely lonely. i dont need a man to make me happy... but i would be happier if i had someone who loved me back. i havent had a bf that stuck around..... i so desperately want that. i love feeling beautiful in someone's eyes. so when i am single, which is most...
  15. paintsplotch

    Do you believe in love at first sight?

    your stories of your family give me hope... perhaps thats silly of me... but its true. i want so badly to believe there is someone out there for me. i put myself out there- go to dances, have my ads online, meet new people daily... all with a hope i will meet someone. i dont expect...
  16. paintsplotch

    So I was watching a basketball game....

    hahahaa... gumby... i just laughed out loud for realz... ok ok.... i for one hate baggy pants on guys cuz i cant check out their butt or their package. and i think its dumb to wear pants so baggy that their undies are showin. i love a guy in tight jeans ..... hubba hubba :bow:
  17. paintsplotch

    What are you having for breakfast

    im still currently munching on a corn muffin that has seen better days. lol :eat1:
  18. paintsplotch

    Do you believe in love at first sight?

    ::: stands up and raises hand :::: My Name is Jenny and I am a HOPELESS ROMANTIC. i have yet to have my love returned... but when i am with someone i love with all of my heart. i have loved at first sight...meeting someone wonderful and just enjoying that moment to its fullest..... it...
  19. paintsplotch

    Recent epiphanies anyone?

    i love it when it gets hard....... cuz im easy....... lmao... hahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah :wubu:
  20. paintsplotch

    30 somethings

    im now in my later thirties... i am both happy with who i am.... and upset that i am edging closer to the next round number (the big four ohh)... i thought i would be married with kids by now.... but instead im still single. not that single is BAD... its just lonely. i dont FEEL like im...