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  1. geekgamer01


    Seems like there's plenty of members on the coasts and in the South but how about Ky or In? Anyone from or around this area?
  2. geekgamer01

    Singles rolecall!

    Bueller? Bueller? Buel- oh, sorry, wrong role call. Lol single here.
  3. geekgamer01

    What turns you on?

    Confidence is one of the bigest turn ons to me. I mean I won't lie, I love a woman with a curvy body, a big heart, and a beautiful smile. But besides all those, there's just something so desirable and sexy about a woman whose confident in her body and herself. And not the kind of confidence that...
  4. geekgamer01

    What Are You Watching Right Now?

    Boondock Saints :cool:
  5. geekgamer01

    Lies Your Parents Told You

    Parents "We will support you in anything you do son. So what are you majoring in?" Me "Philosophy." Parents "Ok, anything except that." Smh
  6. geekgamer01

    Calling all Youngsters!

    23 years young here!
  7. geekgamer01

    Dims Crushes

    Hmm no crushes right now....however someone might have caught my eye ;)
  8. geekgamer01

    2013 Singles Palooza

    Lol I don't know about that. Seems like I have been for a while.
  9. geekgamer01

    2013 Singles Palooza

    Madam that makes two of us
  10. geekgamer01

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    The Conjuring and I gotta give it a 8 out of 10. Pretty good scares and unexpected frights.
  11. geekgamer01

    Whatchu got?!?

    All the usual staples aside, I have honesty. Which is something that I feel is undervalued and hard to find these days. Oh and I give an amazing backrub ;) lol
  12. geekgamer01

    In a perfect utopia, how big would you be?

    Weight wise...about the same I am now. I'd just prefer to be proportioned differently. Like a tad taller and more evenly distributed. However, the idea of "trying"on a different size and shape is pretty exciting lol. Your body would be limited only by your imagination.
  13. geekgamer01

    BMI - What's Yours?

    Looks like I'm 28.8 That's ok, I'm fluffy and I know it *wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yea!*
  14. geekgamer01

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Is it time for work already? Damn, I guess that means I need to put on pants.
  15. geekgamer01

    What is your weight right now?

    I weigh...I don't know actually. Haven't visited the scale lately. Probably somewhere in the 210/215 neighborhood I would say. I went to a concert this week and had a few beers. Came home feeling a lil heavier with a lighter wallet lol.
  16. geekgamer01

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Hey all, I'm Jordan and I'm actually not new to Dims. I've had an account for ages but lost my password. I didn't use the email I registered with so I haven't been able to log on in ages. I finally found it and wanted to get back into the community. Since it's been so long I thought I'd say hello.
  17. geekgamer01

    What is your weight right now?

    A solid 192!
  18. geekgamer01

    ... in my pants

    Stroke It...in my pants (Billy Squier)
  19. geekgamer01

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Got bored the other day so I thought to myself "Why not take the cliche bathroom mirror pic" lol
  20. geekgamer01

    2011 Singles thread

    Well my status hasn't changed since I posted here last, but I thought I'd stand up, stretch my legs and say hey again.